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Education is the Key of Achievements

Halima Hussain Sayed Thursday, December 1, 2022
Education is the Key of Achievements

As we know education plays a very important role in life, being educated leads to gaining confidence and reduces the gender in equality.

The same happen with a poor orphan boy, who wasn't having any money, shelter and food. But somehow, he started doing work.

He used to sell newspapers to houses and shops of his hometown and earn money.

He loves very much to go to school but due to financial condition he could not.

After some days he was sick and could not sell newspaper. With money he went to hospital to get some medicine.

He thought someone will help him seeing his sickness, but no one helped him, and hospital return him without any treatment saying that we are not having place for poor people.

Then he realizes that he should do something in life, but without education nothing is possible.

He thought he should take education and become a doctor and to remove the comparison between rich and poor people.

He started to work more in two three places and soon earned enough money to go to school.

later in his life he became a doctor in most known hospital of the city and he became an inspiration for other people of his hometown.

so being educated makes people kind, confident and. get every success.


Halima Hussain Sayed
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