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Bullying in school

Shiven Rojasara Tuesday, May 2, 2023
 Bullying in school

Bullying is a common word that we hear often. It is heard most often in the school yard. What is bullying, and what makes a bully do what he/she does? What types of bullying is there? This essay will discuss all the above and strive to educate, you, the reader on bullying and its harmful effects too.

Bullying is defined as unwanted, aggressive behaviour. Bullying can have lasting impressions on the bully, as well as, the victim. Most often, children who bully others use their physical strength, popularity or access to some information against the victim to show their powers. This behaviour is repeated over and over and if not stopped can encourage the bully to do worse. How does one know when they are being bullied? Easily. Bullies threaten others. They spread rumours. They attack others verbally or physically. Bullies also do not include anyone they think not suitable in play.

There are three types of bullying. Some are straightforward and can be identified easily. However, there are some forms of bullying that leaves one wondering if they were bullied at all. The three forms of bullying are verbal bullying, physical bullying and social bullying. We are all aware of verbal and physical bullying. Verbal bullying involves teasing, taunting, name-calling, inappropriate sexual comments etc. Physical bullying involves hitting, kicking, pinching, pushing, shoving, braking another’s things, spitting etc. What is social bullying? Social bullying is very common in the playground, especially when there is a new child. Social bullying involves leaving a new child out of play on purpose, whispering about the child in front of him/her, embarrassing the child in public and not allowing other children to be friendly with the child.

What makes a bully do the things he does? There is no one single reason for bullying. However, there are a significant amount of reasons that can contribute to the problem. A child who is bullied himself by his peers or siblings can also turn to bullying others. Bullies are often products of overly-permissive or overly strict parents. Parents who find bullying entertaining can also produce a child who will bully others because it is not “wrong”. Children who are troubled or abused and do not know how to handle their problems also turn to bullying as a form of ventilating their frustrations.

Bullying is something that can be prevented. This has to be handled by parents and school staff. Parents can help children understand what bullying is and explain to the children that bullying is bad. Teachers too should get involved and educate children on the harmful effects of bullying. The most opportune time to prevent bullying is before it begins. Schools should build rules against bullying and bullies should be punished. Teaching children to handle a bully is also a good way of preventing further problems. Bullies get away with bullying because they can. Once they understand that they cannot get away with it, they stop. A clear, calm “no” while looking in the bully’s eye is one way to handle a bully. However, sometimes this does not work. Children should be advised and encouraged to consider outside help before the bullying escalates.

Shiven Rojasara
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