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Shiven Rojasara, IIK Young Reporter Tuesday, August 1, 2023

India has seen a lot of freedom fighters fight for their motherland. While I respect each and every one of them equally, I have a few personal favorites who inspired me to work for my country. Firstly, I completely adore the father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi. I like him because he chose the path of non-violence and won freedom without any weapons, only the truth and peace.

Secondly, Rani Lakshmi Bai was a great freedom fighter. I have learned so many things from this empowering woman. She fought for the country despite so many hardships. A mother never gave up her country because of her child, instead took him to the battlefield to fight against injustice. Moreover, she was so inspiring in numerous ways.

Next, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose comes in my list. He led the Indian National Army to show the power of India to the British. His famous line remains to be ‘give me your blood and I will give you freedom.’

Finally, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was also one of the greatest leaders. Despite being from a rich family, he gave up the easy life and fought for India’s freedom. He was imprisoned a number of times but that did not stop him from fighting against injustice. He was a great inspiration to many.

In short, freedom fighters are what made our country what it is today. However, we see nowadays people are fighting for everything they stood against. We must come together to not let communal hatred come between and live up to the Indian dream of these freedom fighters. Only then will we honor their sacrifices and memory.

Shiven Rojasara
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