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The Internet: A Boon or a Bane?

Niya Miriam Shinu Monday, October 23, 2023
The Internet: A Boon or a Bane?

It is widely known to all that worldwide citizens have more access to the internet than a toilet. This seemingly satirical statistic reveals to us how the internet has occupied a prominent space in our lives. Since the world revolves around the internet, it is safe to say that the internet is beneficial for us. But there are faint voices arguing that it will be the cause of global annihilation. This has divided the public, each to their own opinion. This begs the question, “Has the internet made our society better?”

Suppose an assignment has been given to you, instead of going through all the books in the library, the web gives us all the information we require with just a simple click! The downside of this though, we rely completely on the net and no actual effort is put into the task. Due to the invention of the internet, we find it much simpler to contact our friends and family through various services that are provided. More pluses include entertainment through our favourite streaming platforms, online shopping, education and many more. The internet has given us common folk a podium for expressing our views but it has also birthed several ethical issues such as cyberbullying, identity theft, crackers, phishing etc.

Having stated the ups and downs of the internet, we can say that it is a vital support system to the modern human but we have to be vigilant as the internet can function as the trojan of many unwelcomed warriors who may ‘des-TROY’ our peace.

Niya Miriam Shinu
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