Making a Statement at KG Fancy Dress Competition at SIS

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

It was time for the fancy dress competition in the kindergarten wing of the SIS. This event reflected the collaborative efforts of the parents and teachers on the young learners who are at the threshold of an exciting whole new world that’s full of knowledge, adventures and experiences.

As quoted by the KG Supervisor Mrs. Rajni Menon, ‘Participating in fancy dress competitions helps children develop confidence as they come on stage and face the audience and it certainly is the most popular activity that students and parents look forward to’ the students proved their metal through their active participation.

The theme for this year was ‘Best out of Waste’ for the Upper Kindergarten and ‘Healthy and Junk Food’ for the Lower Kindergarten. The children came dressed according to the allotted themes.

Efforts of many parents reflected in the creative costumes they prepared using waste materials. It reflected to their resourcefulness in making these costumes out of daily materials which would otherwise be thrown away. Newspaper frocks and hats, Uno card blazers, broken disc gowns were some of the many and major attractive costumes presented by the upper kindergarteners.

The tiny tots of lower kindergarten showcased the importance of eating healthy food and avoiding the junk and fast food through their costumes. Some came dressed healthy as fruits and vegetables, some as milk cans, eggs and some wore the burger and fries, donuts and candies costumes claiming how it depletes the essential and vital nutrients required for growth and that it should be excluded from our eating habits.

These little young learners truly impressed the audience of peers and parents and indeed left the judges and teachers in awe of their performances.


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