My hidden beauty

Christy Merrin Johnson , X-C, ICSK Khaitan
Thursday, February 14, 2019

My hidden beauty
The beauty that’s hidden,
Deep in my heart
Its something which can be seen by nobody,but by God.
It’s the beauty that filled my soul.
Its special.
I can feel the beauty of my hidden soul.
Life is nothing without it.
My life is empty without it.
It makes me who I am.
Its nothing,but the beauty of my unique hidden heart.
It’s the beauty of my heart…
My soul is filled with the beauty of my heart.
My soul and heart are best friends.
They are like the sky and the earth and the rain connects them.
I am the rain .
I connect my heart and my soul.
Now, they are like the friends hidden in me.
When I weep, heart cries and soul is sad.
When I rejoice, my heart is filled with joy
And my soul is joyful.
But, its still hidden, unidentified and neglected.
Who cares about the heart and soul?
Who knows that they are our life?
They are our beautiful life…
It makes who we are,
But its still not noticed by many..
For the compassionate, they are important.
I wish one day, we all could realize the beauty hidden in all of us.
The realization of that great inner self…


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