A Stupendo Fabulous Session With Rachel Francis at ILO

Fahmida,X A,Literary Secretary
Tuesday, May 7, 2019

"Transformation happens, when you allow the magic of the universe to inspire you, and the pain of remaining the same, overweighs the pleasure of being the Change!"
ILOA family welcomed the 5th session of Transforming Lives in Kuwait, with the key theme "It's not over!" and it truly was a transforming experience. The students of classes 10, 11 and 12 got the privilege and honor to be a part of this amazing Global Youth Movement. “A successful woman is the one who lays firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at her”. This quote truly matches Rachel Francis and successful women like her who never gave up their dreams ignoring the criticism from their friends, family and society. Rachel Francis is a singer, songwriter and musician from the "City of Lights", Mumbai. She is a solo artist and has been touring extensively with the live jam team, since 2014. The program commenced with the singing of three incredible and fascinating songs, led by Rachel, and the Live jam band! All the students were jam-packed with the spirit of authenticity and unlimited fun and enjoy, as each lyric of the song touched their hearts.

Their key motto was to teach teenagers to use the right moment to say NO, GO and TELL!

Afterwards, Rachel shared her life story, which was wholeheartedly captured and engrossed in the minds of all the audience. Her life story was presented as an example for all the teenagers out there. She took the courage to share her story of past which she made herself forget for the sake of her dreams. She spoke of how the world could turn you down, and the ones whom you have an intimate relationship with, could backstab you from behind the curtain of the stage of world! How people except parents whom you considered as trustworthy breaks your trust and that thread of trust would not remain the same as before even after tying a knot on it. But when the spirit that lies within you, tells you that you are a Masterpiece of God, a dream of your parents, before the time you were even conceived, you just take the lemons that undermine you, out from your life, and throw them all away! Rachel's words articulated how important it is for us to fight the battle, and believe that you're unique than the rest, and leave the past behind, and pursue the dreams for the future we long! She inspired the students to believe in spending time to love themselves, than anything else of the world. She told us not to lose heart in certain circumstances that you have to face, stay calm and face your challenges.

In a nutshell, the students learned from her, not to listen to the voice of the world, criticizing you and displaying your untrue worth, but to listen to your heart, and to be whom you really want to be. Her voice brought us inspiration and made us forget the struggling past. We teenagers have much more to face in the expedition of our life ahead. We can change our destiny. We can change the world. We can retry by being our true selves and exploring the light within us and don’t let fear and anger rule you in your own throne. Even when the voices of doubt start whispering, turn up the volume of faith and listen to your heart!


Read this article at www.indiansinkuwait.com