364,500 expats entered Kuwait in last 5 years

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

According to official statistics, 364,500 expatriate workers entered the country in the last five years, local Arabic daily Al-Qabas reported.

According to its report, more than 50 percent of these employees are registered as construction workers, security guards, operators of heavy equipment and truck drivers.

Topping the list of expatriate employees who entered the country in the last five years is Indians with a total of 175,000 citizens, followed by Egyptians with 80,000. This means the rate
of Indians exceed Egyptians by 120 percent.

On the other hand, the numbers of Pakistanis reduced by 12,000 during this period to reach a total of 80,000, followed by Sri Lankans with 8,500 and Iranians with nearly 4,321 to reach a total of 22,600.


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