India’s Miracle On Wheels - a unique group to perform dance on wheelchairs

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Performing Indian classical dance is already challenging. Mastering choreography, infusing every movement with grace, strength and elegance, paying homage to stories and characters can be daunting enough … now imagine doing all that, but in a wheelchair.

It may sound difficult, but Miracle On Wheels, the world’s first classical wheelchair dance theatre production company, has been doing it for almost a decade. This Bangalore, India-based company has danced all over the world, and it will be performing in Kuwait at American International School, Maidan Hawally on this Friday, 8th November 2019 at 6:00 pm onwards.

The event titled "Utsrav-2019" is organised by Amma Kuwait - an organization dedicated to humanitarian activities aiming to empowering and inspiring the Differently Abled people, and to support the visually impaired.

Miracle On Wheels has won accolades at national and international dance festivals in India, the United States, Britain and Canada.

The Kuwait show will feature 3-hour long cultural evening with world famous “Miracle on Wheels”. Each of them either has walking or hearing disabilities.

Amma Kuwait seeks generous support for this event being organized for a noble humanitarian cause, and requests participation of all for the success of this program. For more details, kindly contact: 97748926, 60615455, 97207289, 66198980, 65970271, 99771830, 97942609,66404949, or write to [email protected].


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