Value Time

Ann Mariya Sabu
Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Jack Kornfield reminds us,“The trouble is, you think you have time.” In other words, we put off important things, assuming that we can do them later.

Time management is like a horror movie... I feel frightened as the time that flies into eternity cannot be brought back. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years pass by so fast... Seasons come and seasons go... Treasons come and treasons go... Reasons come and reasons go...we want to live our life to the fullest by making the best use of our time but guess what we fail on time management, At the end of the day, a chasm of emptiness is all I have got. Now, There are two solitudes, there is a saint and a sinner, A stoic and an epicurean in me. I do the things that I don't want to do, And I am lazy to do the things that I should do. I procrastinate... I am constantly fighting these types of two solitudes every time. I am having a duel with these dual forces every day. When I want to be good, the bad things I wanted to avoid just happen, Why is this dichotomy in my life?

I’m sure many like me have this habit of procrastination, where we put the salient tasks away , n say, “ ahh , I’ll do it later “ This is the very thing that makes us not reach our pinnacle of success. If we don’t prioritize our time, and manage it well, it will be eventually reflected in our personality, we will have low self esteem.

So I thought , Let me chart out my time properly As the seconds and minutes pass by Let me not watch it pass by silently.

Carpe Diem I want to pluck the day... I want to achieve the very best out of this day. Like a flower, let this day blossom and give forth joy expecting nothing in return

One of the things the Buddha encouraged us to do was to reflect on our own impermanence, and how, in the light of that, it’s important that we take responsibility for our lives.

So let us all resolve that , I will start this day and enjoy each and every moment ... I will achieve to the best of my ability so that I can partake in the march towards human progress. Let not trivial distractions turn my attention and concentration away. Let me give my very best and accomplish great things out of this precious day.

Ann Mariya Sabu
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