Indian Embassy celebrated diversity of cultural traditions and festivals with an evening of Carols and Patriotic Music

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

The Embassy of India Kuwait welcomes the festive seasons with a unique and joyful celebration of India's eclectic diversity of cultural traditions and festivals. The Carols music held at the Indian Embassy auditorium was attended by the diplomatic community in Kuwait and the Indian community.

Ambassador Shri Sibi George and Mrs Joice Sibi inaugurated the carol evening by lighting the lamp. Dean of Diplomatic Corps and Ambassador of Tajikistan His Excellency Dr Zabidullah Zabidov, Ambassadors of various countries, Priests Reverend Fathers and Reverend Sisters in Kuwait, and Indian business leaders attended the event.

Christmas Kuwait

Christmas Kuwait

Ambassador Shri Sibi George wished season’s greetings on behalf of 1.3 billion people of India, that is 1/6th of the total population of the world. "We Indians in Kuwait are a cross section of India representing its rich and varied culture, each one contributing immensely in the economic development of this country, and have become an integral part of the socio-cultural and economic fabric of this country," Ambassador said.

Christmas Kuwait

Christmas Kuwait

Indian civilization gave rise to ancient religions such as Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism and also Sikhism. In fact, India is home to many other religions, including Islam, Christianity, Judaism and Zorastrianism. India has the second largest Muslim population in the world, next only to Indonesia, Ambassador said. The Indian community in Kuwait is a symbol of India’s unity in diversity, he said.

Christmas Kuwait

Christmas Kuwait

Members of the Kuwait Chamber Chorale, with their senior choir and junior choir presented a delightful carol evening in celebration of the festive time of Christmas and New Year. The synchronous notes of much-loved Christmas carols from around the world and Indian patriotic songs filled the air with joy and cheer, emblematic of this festive time.


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