
Jamsheeda Jainudeen, Grade-5, FAIPS_DPS
Sunday, March 19, 2023

Asslamu alaikum , I am happy that we have reached Ramadan, Alhamdulillah.

Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. Ramadan is one of the pillars in Islam (Shahada , Salah, Zakat, Sawm , Hajj ). Fasting is obligatory for all adult Muslims. It's exceptional for those who are sick.

The Prophet (saw) said
"When the first night of Ramadan comes, the doors of Paradise will be open and the doors of Hell will be closed, and the devils will be chained, and it will be said , 'O you desires virtue ! Come fort & O you desires in evil ! Stay behind ' , and Allah has people He frees from Hell every night( in that month)."
We get the glad tidings of Ramadan, which are, our Du'a being accepted , Hell is closed , Paradise is open, night is better than 1000 months and Sins are forgiven.
There are 3 Ashras in Ramadan. The 1st Ashra is the day of mercy , the 2nd Ashra is day of forgiveness and 3rd Ashra is day of seeking refuge . In the 3rd Ashra ,in any odd-numbered nights, there falls Laylatul Qadar, considered as the holiest night of the year. Ramadan is the time of spiritual reflection, self-improvement and more worship. Muslims fast from dawn to dusk.

We break our fast by saying this Du'a :
"The thirst is gone , the veins are moistened , the reward is conformed if Allah wills."

In the Iftar time, while breaking fast we start with dates and water. Muslims all over the world perform the Tharawih prayer. Muslims donate more in this month, as you are rewarded handsomely in Ramadan.

Eid ul Fitr marks the end of Ramadan and the beginning of Shawwal. In this festival, we wear new dress and pray Eid prayer. We get to eat feast with our friends and family. Eid celebration makes us return to the normal time of eating, drinking,etc.

Let's all make use of this month to do good deeds and keep following the same deeds throughout our lifetime.

Ramadan Mubarak!!!

Jamsheeda Jainudeen, Grade-5, FAIPS_DPS


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