Technology World

Breana Merin Abraham
Sunday, July 9, 2023

Technology has taken up the whole world in its fist. Nowadays we can do everything in online. When the covid 19 rose up and trap the whole world; the children were not able to go to school. So they prepared an online class called ‘ZOOM’, so that students education and future won’t be destroyed. Sometimes the technology is very useful and sometime it may not be as we think. The useful thing is that, we can call our friends, watch videos, play games etc. The thing that I dislike the most is when it starts to load, it is like testing my patience. Sometimes it would get stuck when I am watching my favourite shows. My mother used to say that when she was studying at collage time for nursing, she used to stand in a long line to talk to their parents. But nowadays we have our own mobile phone wherever we go. And also we can talk to our parents, cousins, friends, relatives when we are far from them. Technology also try to help us to find the criminals. And it is very useful for us to call if we are in need. We can also order food from ‘TALABAT’, and also to order some clothes from ‘SHEIN’ or any other app. We can book our flights, train or cinema ticket in online itself.

All Thanks To The Technology For Keeping Us Up To Date.

Breana Merin Abraham
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