Lights! Camera! Action! - The Grand Opening of ICSK’s Theatre Club

Monday, May 13, 2024

The Indian Community School, Senior orchestrated a momentous event on the 2nd of May 2024, unveiling the eagerly awaited ICSK’s Theatre Club. It was an occasion that was met with great anticipation and excitement, as it signified the beginning of a platform dedicated to celebrating the richness and diversity of human expression through the art of theatre. The inaugural production chosen to mark this auspicious occasion was J.B. Priestley's timeless classic, ‘Mother's Day’.

The significance of theatre extends far beyond mere performance; it serves as a channel for artists to delve into the depths of human emotions, explore diverse situations, narrate compelling stories, showcase various cultures and experiment with cutting-edge technology and techniques. Understanding this multifaceted nature of theatre, the ICSK Theatre Club aspires to serve as a nurturing ground for budding artists, providing them with opportunities to explore and exhibit their talents not only in acting but also in directing, scriptwriting, stage management and various other facets of the dramatic arts. The overarching goal is to ignite intelligence, foster curiosity, instill confidence, nurture leadership skills and promote collaboration among students.

The grand inauguration ceremony was graced by the esteemed presence of Chief Guest, Mr. Meshari Mubarak Al-Adwani, IT Service and Supports Leader at Equate Petrochemical Company. Joining him were distinguished dignitaries including Mr. Shaikh Abdul Rahiman, Honorary Chairman to the Board of Trustees, Mr. Amer Mohammed, Honorary Secretary to the Board of Trustees, Dr. V. Binumon, Principal and Senior Administrator of ICSK, Mr. Gangadhar Shirsath, Principal of ICSK Khaitan, Mr. Rajesh Nair, Principal of ICSK Amman, Mrs. Sherly Dennis, Director and Principal of Indian School of Excellence and Mrs. Sheeja C., Principal of ICSK Junior.

The day unfolded with a sea of eager faces filling the auditorium, their anticipation palpable in the air. The proceedings commenced with the recitation of verses from the Holy Quran, followed by a soul-stirring prayer song that enveloped the audience in a divine ambiance, invoking blessings for the event. The gathering paid homage to both nations by honoring the National Anthem of Kuwait and the Indian National Anthem. Dr. V. Binumon, in his welcoming address, expressed his appreciation for the diligent efforts of the Drama Club in bringing the long-awaited day to fruition. He emphasized the Club's role as a catalyst for igniting curiosity, fostering teamwork, and nurturing multiple intelligences among the students.

The highlight of the ceremony was the official inauguration of the Theatre Club by the esteemed Chief Guest, Mr. Meshari Mubarak Al-Adwani, who ceremoniously lit the traditional lamp of knowledge, symbolizing the auspicious beginning of this new chapter in the school's artistic journey. In his address, Mr. Al-Adwani commended the school's visionary initiative in providing a platform for students to hone their artistic talents and express a myriad of emotions through the medium of drama. He expressed his belief that the institution would elevate the realm of theatre to new heights of excellence. As a token of appreciation, Mr. Shaik Abdul Rahiman, Hon. Chairman to the Board of Trustees presented a memento to the Chief Guest, symbolizing gratitude for his esteemed presence and support.

Ms. Shibymol, the Coordinator of the Theatre Club and Director of the play ‘Mother's Day’, took the stage to introduce the evening's theatrical masterpiece, setting the tone for an enchanting journey through the intricacies of human relationships, exploring themes of love, loss and reconciliation. She took a moment to acknowledge the contributions of each actor, technician and behind-the-scenes contributor, recognizing their indispensable roles in shaping the production and bringing the timeless classic to life on stage.

The commencement of the play was marked by a proposal of vote of thanks by Mrs. Mini Shaji Joseph, Deputy Vice Principal of ICSK, followed by the raising of curtains by Director Ms. Shibymol, signaling the beginning of the much-anticipated performance of ‘Mother's Day’. The dedication and passion of the director, actors, stage managers, designers, technicians and makeup artists were evident as they transported the audience into the captivating world crafted by J.B. Priestley. Through emotive performances, poignant dialogues and evocative imagery, the audience was enthralled, experiencing a spectrum of emotions ranging from laughter to introspection, acceptance and a shift in perspective, all through their profound connection with the characters and themes portrayed on stage. The culmination of the play elicited an uproar of thunderous applause, a resounding testament to the magnificence of the performance.

As the curtains fell and the lights dimmed, Mr. Prasad Nambiar, HOD English and Chief Coordinator of the event, took to the stage to express his heartfelt appreciation for the hard work, dedication and countless hours invested by the talented cast and crew of the theatrical performance. The budding artists of ICSK - Ms. Aavani Vinod, Ms. Anna Karina Ephraim, Ms. Theresa Annu Thomas, Mst. Adbeal Biju Paul, Mst. Armaan Asim Adam, Mst. Issam Thalhath, Mst. Ryhaan Aziz, Ms. Nargees, Mst. Dhruv Pillai and Mst. Roshan Binish Kavikunnel were lauded for their commendable efforts in breathing life into the diverse array of characters and bringing forth a truly unforgettable theatrical experience.

The inauguration of the Theatrical Club at ICSK was not just a ceremony; it was a grand celebration of artistry, creativity and the unyielding spirit of collaboration. It marked the beginning of a transformative journey, promising to enrich the cultural tapestry of the school and inspire generations of students to come.


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