MoH called on all employees to update their personal data

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The Ministry of Health has issued a directive for all its employees to update their personal data by the end of July. In an administrative circular, Acting Undersecretary Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Mutairi instructed assistant undersecretaries, district schools, and central administrations to ensure compliance with this update.

The circular outlines specific procedures for updating the database, including: Accessing the ministry’s website Authenticating through the “My ID” application, Entering and updating job data, Updating phone numbers and personal email addresses, Adding academic qualifications.

Health sources confirmed that updating the data and adding academic certificates is for all Ministry of Health employees, including doctors, technicians, nurses, administrators and others who hold academic qualifications (diploma or above), in addition to adding the equivalent of these certificates.

All required updates and document submissions must be completed by July 31, 2024.


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