Life - A perspective

Ann Treesa Tony
Sunday, June 9, 2024

“Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it.”

As we grow older, our life gets difficult which is true but worth enjoying only if one finds the true beauty in it. We immerse ourselves in things which we think are problematic that we often fail to recognise the trivial matters in our life. The trivial matters that make us happy, that makes us who we are. In fact, when we focus on those small incidents, it can make our life phenomenal. As someone has rightly said - when you change the way you see things, the things that you see change.

It’s a lesson which I learnt the hard way. For a long time, I used to feel dejected about the petty losses and failures in my life. But later on, I realized that by doing so, I am wasting my time. Instead of focussing on the solution, I always focussed on the problem. Only if I steered my perspective a little differently, my problems would have become a lot smaller. I realised that in every positive situation, there is something slightly negative. It is just that we fail to see or rather, we ignore it. Likewise, in every negative situation, there is something positive about it, a brighter side to it. Again, we ignore it by draining most of our energy into the smaller picture. Stop looking for what we want to see and look for what is there to see.

Appreciate the life you’ve got. Pat yourself for the long way you’ve come and what you have fought to be. Celebrate the beauty of your life by enjoying even the unsignificant matters of your life. Sometimes, these small actions can transform your mundane life into a remarkable one. Life is a bitter sweet journey but that is what makes it balanced and worth to try.

Lastly always remember, when it gets dark, the sun will always rise again.

Ann Treesa Tony
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