MoI plans security campaign as amnesty ends this Sunday

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Top officials from the interior ministry discussed various plans about security campaigns against residency violators as the amnesty period will comes to an end on June 30.

The meeting was chaired by assistant undersecretary for special forces affairs and the head of field campaigns against violators Maj Gen Abdullah Al-Mulla and attended by senior officers.

The interior ministry had granted an amnesty from March 17 to June 17, which was later extended to June 30, to allow violators to either leave the country without any penalty and still have the right to return on a new visa, or to settle their violations by paying fines and legalizing their stay.

The meeting reviewed a mechanism on how to conduct security campaigns in all governorates against violators who did not leave the country or legalize their stay during the amnesty period.


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