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English is the window to the world

Christy Merrin Johnson, ICSK Khaitan Sunday, June 4, 2017

‘’English is the window to the world’’ is really a true saying in our day to day life.

English is the universal language. It means that throughout the world, English is the most spoken language. From this itself we can understand the importance of English in our day to day lives. We live in a world where most of the people can atleast understand English. Now, if we take the example of India, where there is a variety of languages in different states, it becomes a problem to learn all these languages for communication. Therefore, it is really important and useful if there is a common language between the people, so that the communication could become much more easier. Now, if we go out of our country, for example, the country in which we Indians live, in Kuwait. The importance and use of English is high here. In most of the Indian schools, English is the language used by all teachers as well as students belonging to different states in India. ‘ we live in a world where English is known by most of us and not any other languages except our mother tongue. In today’s world life is very difficult without knowing how to speak English’. Whichever country we go, there will be use of English. It has become an important part in our life, wherever we go. life becomes impossible without knowing such a language.

It is really a blessing that there is a language that helps us to communicate between different people of different nationality. From all these uses and importance, English is widely accepted as the universal language. In short we can say that, ‘’English is the window to the world’’, a window that helps us to communicate to people of different nationality, between people who does not know our origin or our country. It covers up all the differences between people of different countries. It also provides a great platform to express our feelings to different kinds of people, to express our thoughts and opinions.’’ Life becomes easy , with English, a language accepted by the whole universe.’’ is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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