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Diwali- The Festival of Lights

Evan Sunil Abraham Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Diwali- The Festival of Lights

Diwali, the festival of lights is full of pomp and colour and it goes without saying that bursting crackers is an important and integral part of this festival. While bursting crackers is fun, we do have to realize that it has its own downsides as well. One of the most important things we have to consider while using crackers is our personal safety and also of those around us. Here are some tips that we should follow to keep ourselves safe and secure while using crackers.

1.Always store crackers in a secure environment. Storing them in plastic bags or cardboard boxes is not advisable as they catch fire easily. Try your best to store them in wooden boxes as they don’t get caught on fire when there is a spark.

2.Proper dress material should be worn while bursting crackers. Always wear thick cotton clothes and avoid wearing any synthetic material as they catch fire.

3.Always burst crackers in an open area instead of congested areas as this will reduce the chance of getting burns and other injuries relating to bursting of crackers.

4.We should protect our ears and eyes while bursting crackers. Always try to have ear plugs for the ears and safety googles to protect your eyes.

5.Try to inform your family and friends about the importance of ensuring personal safety during this festival especially while bursting crackers. This will help increase awareness of the ill benefits and people will be more alert and vigilant while bursting crackers.

It is hard to even imagine celebrating Diwali without bursting crackers. Even though it is fun, we should always be safe and take the proper precautions in order to be of good health. Hope all of you have a safe and great Diwali this year! Jai Hind!

Evan Sunil Abraham
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