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Significance of Diyas,Rangoli,Lanterns and Sweets During Diwali

Hema Varshini Bhaskar, IIK Young Contributor Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Significance of Diyas,Rangoli,Lanterns and Sweets During Diwali

Diwali the festival of lights makes every Indian’s heart joyful. While you think of Diwali, first thing which comes in your mind is crackers, sweets and diyas. Everyone knows why this festival is celebrated. Yes when lord Rama with Sita and Lakshmanan returning to Ayodhya after spending 14 years in the forest after battling with demons and demon king Ravana in Srilanka,the people of the village of Ayodhya showed their happiness by bursting crackers and keeping diyas decorated in the veranda of their houses with colorful rangoli. But there is also one more saying that when Lord Rama visited the villagers had a complain that the village has many Insects, Snakes but they had a lot of love towards Lord Rama which the people of Ayodhya bursted crackers and kept diyas in the village so that insects and snakes won’t come in the village where Rama is there. This festival also indicates us to show our love to neighbors, family, friends and relatives by giving sweets made by our own. Now let’s see about the importance of Diyas, Lanterns, Rangolis and sweets.

Diyas and Lanterns: Diyas symbolize goodness and purity. Diyas are kept in front of the houses for creating a beautiful surrounding mainly during diwali. It indicates that our lives can change from darkness to light. Lanterns denote dispelling angerm greed and other violating actions may turn to peace.

Rangolis: Rangolis are usually made with various eye-catching colours. As it is very colorful it always denotes us to Victory, prosperous etc.

Sweet: Sweets makes everyone happy. Sweets always make us together with love.

No matter how far your loved ones are, diwali makes everyone together.

Seas separate only the land, not the souls.

Diwali comes once in a year. Celebrate with full happiness with friends and relatives.

And! Make sure you maintain safety measures while bursting crackers.

Thank you!!

Hema Varshini Bhaskar
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