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Death is Inevitable

Ann Mariya Sabu Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Death is Inevitable

If humanity had a name, it’s Captain Vikram Deepak Sathe for you. True humanitarian who thought of others putting his life at stake. Thirty years of experience in the air force, a table top runway that’s so familiar but still unable to land in the sky for twenty minutes, it was a belly landing after fuel was finished and couldn’t continue that level from the runway to the bottom, the first death came on himself the martyr who defeated death even though he gave his life, he was sure to leave after 20 minutes of his hard work.He turned off the engine to avoid fire and explosion to save the passengers and cabin crew.

In the Beirut explosion,the horrendous sight of people losing lives, again made anxiety perturb in the walls of my mind but then,death is inevitable, it’s inevitable that we were born one day to die. But let’s know that its the journey we had around the sun that we will be known for.

Currently, When the world is enveloped in pessimism, I was always eager to know why God takes away people we adore from our lives.

And after introspection I realized….

Once a mother asked her son which flowers would he pick from a garden, the answer came as “the best ones”. Let that sink in……

There will be times when we question His plans , maybe they wont be how we curated it to be like, but in all ways trust in Him. This pandemic and the year 2020 was the perfect testimony to the fact that we humans have nothing in our control. Let’s pray and be united in the line of thought that He will provide

Bye reader , I hope this gave u a life lesson today !

Ann Mariya Sabu
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