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National Youth Day

Ann Mariya Sabu Thursday, January 21, 2021
National Youth Day

Swami Vivekananda once said “My hope for the future lies in the youths of character intelligent renouncing all for the service of others, and obedient good to themselves and the country at large.”

Some times we have been conditioned by our thinking silos to divide people. We have chosen friends and enemies conditioned by this prejudiced thinking of ours . lets us strive to remove these filters , these coloured glasses and generalizations all that which blocks our vision of reality and realize the fact that its in harmony that our life’s potential can be fulfilled .

Lets all win peace and lose war , peace comes from the stillness of mind , where the heart isn’t upset and where the fusion of this mind and heart occurs to forgive and forget. Lets not encourage conflict when it can be resolved through amicable dialogue

As youth, we are meant to foster a sense of belonging by joining hands with our international siblings from around the world and put an end to the strife that has been going on for a long time.Let there be an evolution of mindset and let us all build bridges of peace and love and not walls of wars and battles.

I’m sure in many of the pledges we have made , we have mentioned about treating everyone as my brother and sister , but we may not have lived up to that expectation , we looked at people with coloured glasses so that we can fit them into preconceived notions.

Stereotypes generalized by culture , religion, nationality, ethnicity, colour , language , which are all just accidents and not the substance of our being.

Everyone needs to be treated with genuine respect , concern and love. Everyone has a right to live in freedom and dignity , without having to feel marginalized by any of his or her attributes .

Let the common human consciousness be the sentinel of our future growth, let the universal love for fellow brethren radiate in each one of us , to stop the bloodshed in the name of religion , culture , politics or anything else. Let our society be pervaded with compassion and love ……

So this Youth day , let all of us fill our minds with positive thoughts and energy , let this short life of ours not be a vehicle of negativity that can travel fast and reach many destinations , let us all enjoy this moment of solitude , this moment of endless goodness, this moment of eternity

Ann Mariya Sabu
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