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Depression: A Silent Killer

Hritika.N.K Monday, February 1, 2021
Depression: A Silent Killer

Depression is a worldwide spread disease that negatively affects how people feel, the way they think, and how they act. It is also the leading cause of disability. At some point in our lives, we all may experience symptoms like sadness, loss of interest, lack of pleasure from performing daily activities, etc.

For most people, these symptoms are a completely normal response to unpleasant or stressful events that they experience, for example, financial issues or not being up to one’s expectations.

Negative feelings are usually painful and overwhelming, but as time goes by, they become less intense and disappear. But if these feelings persist, they may affect people’s life substantially and result in depression and this is what happens to people who don’t think they can fight the negative thoughts. The truth is they can, but they don’t have enough courage and support, they don’t believe in themselves.

Depression is more than the everyday ups and downs. When a person is depressed when their sad feelings interfere with their everyday life. Depression doesn’t only affect feelings, but can change behaviour, physical health and appearance, academic performance, social activities, and the ability to make decisions that are face every day.

People who don’t think that teens could suffer from depression are wrong, depression can affect people of any age, race, ethnic or economic group. One out of every twenty-five teens suffers from depression. Depression can be very serious. It has been noted that depression can be linked to poor school performance, alcohol and drug abuse, running away, and feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness. Many teens also go in depression due to cyberbullying on the internet.

Over the past twenty-five years, researchers have found that the rate of suicide among teenagers and young adults has increased dramatically. Suicide is often linked to depression. Some say that talking about depression only makes it worse. In reality, talking to someone about your feelings can help you realize that professional help is needed. By showing concern and support, you can encourage someone to talk to a trusted person. Depression is treatable.

One major reason for hesitation is the social stigma, preventing a person from speaking up or seeking help. Some feel that they are capable of handling it. They fail to realize that simmering stress could have a volcanic eruption in the form of ending one’s life. It is imperative to understand that any kind of mental health issues are treatable with timely intervention by experts.

Sometimes depression can be avoided all together. Having a good home life and a high self-esteem would be primary for people not to be depressed. Although in some cases you are predisposition to have depression, little things do help. Talking about your problems and not bottling them up helps immensely to avoid emotional breakdowns and blow ups. Avoiding extreme “stressers,” like putting yourself in a situation you cannot get out of, also helps. Avoidance of negative people and thoughts can also help to be happy.

Depression is not a matter to take lightly. It is not something to dismiss regularly, but to take to heart and find help. Hundreds of people commit suicide each day because of depression. If you are or know someone who is depressed get help. Do not hold it in forever, for you may be liable to do the same thing. Don’t let a suicide make you post that you cared about them and loved them on social media. Do it while you still have them, you will never regret it

To all people who are depressed while reading this, I want you to know that :

You Are wanted.

You Are beautiful.

You Are Wonderful.

Don't quit on yourself. Don't hurt yourself. You are worth the world and nobody wants to see you suffering. You don’t have to change a thing, the world can change its heart. The way you feel right now will pass. People’s minds will change. Things WILL get better. There are people who love you and are always here for you. Do NOT do something permanent over something temporary/. You're better than that.

You are not going through this because it’s your fault, it’s because you have to see darkness before you appreciate the bright light that will shine in front of you when you overcome this situation. No matter where you are in life, no matter how low you have sunk, no matter how bleak your situation is, THIS IS NOT THE END . I know it may be hard right now but just hang in there, you will find this tough moment pass.

And always remember, Don't change so people will like you. Be yourself & the right people will find and love the real you.

All the best :)

Hritika N Kademani
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