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Shukran Kuwait

Saniya Shanawaz Petkar, IIK Young Reporter Thursday, February 18, 2021
Shukran Kuwait

The relationship between Kuwait and India enjoys traditional and has been rotted in history and have always stood in the test of time.

India is my Jaan.

Kuwait is my Shaan.

Indian speaks Hindi, English, Telgu, Tamil, Marathi, Gujrat etc.

Kuwaiti speaks Arabic / English.

Indian eats Chapatti/Roti.

Kuwaiti eats Khuboos.

Indian food is Lajavab.

Kuwait food is famous for Kabab.

India currency is Rupees ?.

Kuwait currency is Dinar.

India says “Aapka Swagat Hai”.

Kuwaiti says “Hala Habibi”.

India is our mother who takes care of each Nationality.

Kuwait is our father who gives shelter to each Nationality.

The National bird of India is Peacock.

The National bird of Kuwait is Falcon.

The National animal of India is Tiger.

The National animal of Kuwait is Arabian camel.

The National Flower of India is Lotus.

The National flower of Kuwait is Arfaj.

The National Anthem of India is “Jana Gana Mana Adhinayaka Jaya He”.

The national Anthem of Kuwait is (“Al-Nasheed Al-Watani”) “Watanil Kuwait Salemta Limajdi”.

The Indian National Anthem was written by Rabindranath Tagore.

The Kuwait National Anthem was written by Ahmad Meshari Al-Adwani.

Sometimes it is not the song that makes you emotional it’s the relationship that bines you together, though there are people with different languages between India and Kuwait but the relationship between both the countries are like salt without food is tasteless.

India is full of spices.

Kuwait is full of oil, petrol and diesel

But both the relationship is like without oil we cannot cook our spice.

Historically, Indo-Kuwaiti relations have always had an important trade dimension.

India has consistently been among the top ten trading partners of Kuwait.

I pray and hope for the best to India and Kuwait relations and long live to both the relations.

Jai Hind Jai Bharat (India).

Salam to Kuwait!

Saniya Shanawaz Petkar
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