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Life is full of surprises and challenges

Aleena Anna Abraham Wednesday, May 12, 2021
 Life is full of surprises and challenges

“A smile is worth a thousand words, “ a wonderful quote by Julie A Walker. We live in a generation where winning is greater than other's feelings. I’ve always thought about how wonderful life could be without challenges and problems, but can life ever be wonderful without challenges and problems? Wouldn’t life be so boring when everything goes normal, life is a big journey, throughout this unpredictable journey, we will have many challenges and difficulties. But somewhere around this big journey some lose hope, to some losing hope in something, is like losing hope in life and who knows what things they do after it. Our society judges people first with their appearance and second with their personality. This will surely be one reason for a person to lose their hopes and outlook towards life. It’s easy for everyone to give advice, but hard to stay with someone during their difficulties. Depression is a cruel illness that can affect anyone, it can kill a person, not physically but mentally. Whoever goes through depression will surely smile in front of society because no one will know what is behind a smiling face. These feelings aren’t a fleeting mood, it’s something that someone else can do. It’s hard for some people to fight their problems by themselves, but with the help of someone else they can certainly come out of it. If you fail in something, it doesn’t mean you have to end your life, you have to try, fight and win in life. Suicide is something a person chooses over life nowadays, but to me, it’s the dumbest decision anyone can take in life. When I go through the darkest times of my life, suicide seems to be away, but then I think about my family, my friends, and the things that are yet to come. If you lose anywhere in life, stand strong and fight all the evils. There’s nothing impossible, don’t take your own life, it's a gift from above. If you have the will then you will surely get it. Each morning we are born again, what we do today is what matters and always try to live the present moment rather than being anxious about our future. Never give up in life, I have given up in life many times and have always found my way back to the right path. Never blame yourself for the sake of others, when others put you down, you should never bring yourself down more and more. We are the passengers of the same train, but it is we who decide where we have to get out, it’s not others opinion. If others bully you or talk bad about you never put your head down, walk up straight because those people do not know what you are going through, have a smile on your face. Let the people who put you down know even if you go through the darkest moment in your life, you will remain happy. Even if others push you to darkness, there will be some people who can bring you up to the world of light, and it’s your task to find them.

Aleena Anna Abraham
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