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Ramadhan Eid in Kuwait

Saniya Shanawaz Petkar Monday, May 17, 2021
Ramadhan Eid in Kuwait

Ramadhan Eid is also known as Eid-Ul-Fitr. In this month of Ramadhan Muslim fast for 30 days. We Muslims start our fast on seeing the new moon and last up to 30 days till the next new moon; after our 30 days of fasting and ibadat and our 5 times sally (Namaaz) we become as pure as a new born baby.

The exact meaning of Eid is the day, where we are rewarded for our fast and Ibadat from Allah!

On the day of Eid-Ul-Fitr we get up early in the morning, go to the mosque and perform our Eid Namaaz.

Eid is the day where we are rewarded for our fast, our sallis and our ibadats. We celebrate our Eid in Kuwait by preparing a special sweet dish called shir khurma and Sewai. We also prepare a special and traditional ancestors Konkani dish called Sandan even goa and Mangalorean people love it and make it on their special occasion but they called it sannas.We eat this but special Konkani mutton made in traditional way and have it with rice and vegetable called pumpkin called it bhopla.

We go to meet our relatives and adults and on this day we also get eidi from our parents, elders and relatives. The full day of eid is enjoyed.

Our eid is celebrated for three days. The second day is called baseid and third day is called tir baseid. I truly love and enjoy all the three days of eid very much.

My Favorite festival is Eid. I like Eid because on this day I get eidi from everyone. All children and elders wear new and clean clothes for the day, get together of family and friends are arranged. Kids enjoy eid the most as they get gifts and candies from their elder relatives and friends.

But after covid eid is becomes little difficult to celebrate with our relatives and friends. Now we can wish eid Mubarak on video calls or chats only.


Saniya Shanawaz Petkar
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