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Belief is a Seed of Faith

Poorva Nirmal Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Belief is a Seed of Faith

Belief is a seed of faith. If the surroundings of a person is religious, then faith develops naturally into the person. Even the person doesn’t have any experience of it , but his environment plays a huge role to develop the faith in him. All the dreams and desires of life can be accomplished with faith on oneself and law of existence. When one believe that anything is possible for him to accomplish , all his responses in the world becomes affirmative, and no matter what the situation of his life tells him, he successfully accomplish the dreams of his heart. Life happens at a subtle level. What we outside is just the projection of it. When the mind looks at too many things , it gets confused. But when he reaches at a deeper level within himself, all the things of the outside world seems clear. The understanding comes at a later stage. The new venture is not accomplished with the clear picture in mind. The belief of a person has to be strong on what he is trying to achieve, but that doesn’t make a ready path available for a person . he needs to have faith in himself and the work he has taken as a task, and as he works regularly on the task , slowly the understanding gets develop about the work, and new idea emerge to take the work forward. The first step in life comes out of faith. The one who knows how to take that first step, can accomplish anything on this earth. From that first step, further path is design for the person, and this way the whole journey is accomplished . the life is a journey from the faith to trust . the first step needs to be taken bin trust and soon on the path the understanding will develop for the path, and trust will come in, on the path.

Poorva Nirmal
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