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Is women rights still an issue?

Aleena Anna Abraham Sunday, May 23, 2021
Is women rights still an issue?

Khalil Gibran once said, “Life without Liberty is like a body without a spirit. “ Back in the days I vaguely remember one of my friend arguing with her parents when her parents asked her not to go out of the house at 9, she wasn’t mad because her parents restricted her from going, she was angry because her brother could get out of the house during the night and that was never an issue. Women are not meant to be slaves, is woman rights still an issue? Are women still fighting for their rights? In a country like India where has the rights of women vanished? The abuses that each and every girl faces in our country are due to what problems? As some people state is it because of the way girls dress or act?

Life of some girls are within their households and that should change, my ambition to become a journalist is because I want to do my part to change society, just like Mahatma Gandhi said, ‘Be the change you want to see in the world.’ Will India ever change? Upon all those child abuses, rape cases that take place, the problems in having a girl child in a family, honestly speaking I don’t think India will change, acid cases which will continue as a flow chart. The future of all those acid survivors, at least the education of girls should be prompted, at some places in India education is not even being provided, and I say the Government should take better steps when it comes to educating children. India has promised that everyone will get equal rights but is it still worth it in the case of women. Not only India in all other countries, I’ve always wondered why the phrase, ‘Behind every successful man there’s a woman’s hand,’ didn’t go like, ‘Behind every successful woman there’s a man’s hand,’ out of some big magic only man deserves to be successful, but there are some people who support women equally, but why is it only out of that small ratio? I never blame the government, I blame the society for bringing such superstitions, for making their girl child believe that they don’t have a part to play in the society. If I was the president of India or any country for instance I would make sure that every woman gets to achieve their dream.

Jane Austen, Anne Frank, Muniba Mazari, Indira Gandhi, Mary Kom, Malala Yousafzai, Queen Elizabeth I, Cleopatra and are just a few examples of the astonishing woman in the world who have earned worldwide esteem for how they governed, inspired people, and lived up to their dream, don’t you want to be one of them? If they can do it, you can surely do it! Moving on hoping women out there in the world would get the rights that they deserve!

Aleena Anna Abraham
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