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Save Nature for a Better Future

Hema Varshini Bhaskar Sunday, June 6, 2021
Save Nature for a Better Future

As we all know, June 5th is celebrated as world environment day. Let’s try to understand the importance of environmental day. World environment day came in to existence in 1972 by the United Nations. The purpose of this day is to spread awareness about the threat to the environment due to pollution and changes in the climate.

Nature contributes a lot to human’s comfortable lifestyle. It gives us food, medicines and a lot more essential utilities. Nature came into existence well before humans. Damaging nature could lead to the end of our lives on earth. Nature is a main source for our life. The latest day to day technological developments may bring you temporary happiness in life, but nothing is permanently possible without saving the nature.

Nowadays, cutting down of trees are getting common throughout the earth rather than planting trees. Which is not very virtuous for the future .It is not enough to just say others through posters and other media about the importance of saving water, nature and environment but action and implementation of the same is everyone’s responsibility. The effort you take does matters; few steps now, you can at least initiate to save the future. There are some easy and feasible ways in which everyone can take care of the nature.

Plant a tree, don’t waste water unnecessarily, reduce the usage of plastics as much as you can rather use cloth bags , use eco -friendly products .Develop eco-friendly vehicles like electric rather using gasoline vehicles. Encourage production of energy from solar, wind and hydel energy.

Commonly we use Three R’s to save our nature.

You may know what are all these three R’s mean. Yes, they are reduce, reuse and recycle.

Reduce: reduction of pollution, wastage of water and electricity is the best way to help the earth.

Reuse : there are some things which we could reuse rather than disposing it often. For example, the wastewater generated from homes can be reused for watering plants in the garden. During rainy season, rainwater can be stored and reused.

Recycle: recycling is the process of processing materials that would be thrown away as trash to produce new products. There are three types of recycling forms they are primary, secondary and tertiary.

Primary recycling– It is the process of producing one thing to many more of the same thing. Example. Turning one can into many cans.

Secondary recycling- Turning some products to other products with the same materials is known as secondary recycling. Example. Plastic products are recycled into polyesters.

Tertiary recycling- It is the way in which products are broken down into molecules using chemical processes and turning it into a new product.

How does plastics harm the nature and earth?

Plastic, the greatest adversary of the nature and future .It is made up of chemicals which produce harmful toxins to the nature and mankind. It also contributes to global warming. It threatens wildlife. Animals that accidently eat plastic bags often die as a result of it. We can’t avoid plastics but at least we can reduce its usage. Now it is not too late for us to start.

“Progress is impossible without change and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”

Thank you.

Hema Varshini Bhaskar
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