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saniya shanawaz Petkar Thursday, December 23, 2021

We celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ on 25th December. Christmas marks the birthday of Jesus Christ who was born to Mary and Joseph. It is celebrated by the Christians all over the world. The message of love, peace and goodwill is spread during this season.

This is the time when Christians go to church, visit the poor share with the needy and make other sacrifices. Jesus Christ came into the world, born in a poor family in a stable in a place called Bethlehem.

He came to bring peace to mankind through his birth, life and death. In some countries, Christmas usually fall in winter, so it is called ‘White Christmas’. We have a holiday at Christmas and so many families gather and celebrate together.

The whole family sings songs called as carols together on this special occasion. The preparations begin a month in advance. Arcades are lit up brightly, and Christmas trees are placed and decorated with beautiful toys and festoons.

This special day is celebrated with exciting cakes, sweets, goodies and cookies, and friends are invited for the treat. Christmas carols are sung to spread the message of universal brotherhood.

Cribs are put up in the homes to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. Christians go to church on 24 nights and celebrate the birth of Jesus at Christmas Eve. The church celebrates the midnight mass after which the people wish each other and have parties and celebrations.

Families exchange gifts which are normally kept under the Christmas tree and are opened on Christmas morning or post the Christmas lunch. Santa is busy distributing gifts to children who look forward to his coming. He is seen on a reindeer sledge, so the Christmas song ‘Rudolf the red-rose reindeer’ is sung. Excitements fill the air when the Christmas dinner is shared with a candle light. The young and the old both go to dances held at either open places, clubs or at gymkhanas.

Jingle bells, jingle bells

jingle all the way!!!

Saniya Shanawaz Petkar
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