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Importance of hobbies in our today’s life

Hema Varshini Bhaskar Thursday, May 5, 2022
Importance of hobbies in our today’s life

In today’s life, we all have a busy work schedule without allocating free time for hobbies. Even though we get a free time, we have the tendency to spend time having an outdoor trips or having a movie time with our family. It may sound relaxing for us in our day to day life but actually not. My today’s topic “Importance of Hobby“ is going to be something useful and fun for everyone.

A hobby is considered to be an activity that is done for enjoyment. We all have one or more hobbies in our life, it could be painting, collecting themed items, jewelry making, solving rubik’s cube ,playing games ,reading books etc. Hobbies are much more better way to relax and spend your leisure time in useful manner .Hobbies can be on your own way, amateur.

Spending at least an hour every day on hobby makes you feel free of the burden of the entire day. Some hobbies create a path for future career as well as socializing with others. Students engaged with hobbies show overall improvement in their behaviour and school works.

Make a habit to learn new hobbies such as cooking , learning an instrument, gardening, learning new language, sports, reading books etc in our day to day life.

My favorite hobbies are crafting, painting and experimenting new things. I love to do scientific experiments which turned out to be so fun.

Research shows that people with hobbies are healthier with lower risk of high blood pressure and depression. Hobbies are means of self-discovery and it builds self-esteem. Instead of hanging out on gadgets, having a hobby makes a person to actively participate in many programs.

Saving some time for one’s hobby makes physical and emotional changes a person’s life into a world of dream and admiring the beauty of life of each second .

“Every minute you waste doing nothing, remember someone is getting smarter somewhere” – Kshitij Mankar

Hema Varshini Bhaskar
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