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An Inspiration For All of Us

Aleena Anna Abraham Thursday, October 27, 2022
An Inspiration For All of Us

"We are all perfectly imperfect and that's perfectly alright."

I still remember that day I came across a video with nearly 15 million views on Youtube, which has crossed over 23 million right now. It left me speechless at that time, it left me amazed about how she overcame this much in her life. And it also left me wondering how we always complain about the tiniest things in our lives, she made us realize that not all problems are big.

Muniba Mazari is Pakistan's first model and anchor in a wheelchair, she's an artist, singer, and motivational speaker. She became the first national ambassador for UN Women Pakistan and she was appointed to be a part of Pakistan's first-ever National Youth Council. She graduated college with a degree in fine arts and at the age of 18 got married. The event that changed her life upside down was the accident she met at the age of 21, which left her paralyzed for the rest of her life. A lot of titanium in the arm and a lot of titanium to fix her backbone, and that's how she gained the name, 'Iron lady of Pakistan.' Her story made us realize that if you think your life is unfair, then think again. Mazari confirmed that the best decision she made in her entire life was the painting she made on her death bed, and how it filled colors within her colorless life. Her biggest fears at that time were getting divorced and not being able to be a mother because she believed that all women's life wouldn't be completed without experiencing motherhood.

We've had our ups and downs in our lives, and most of us including me have at some point thought about how unfair our lives are, but if we think further after the mist, we can see many lives that would leave us grateful for what we have and one of them is Muniba Mazari's life. Swimming against the present, women had to raise their voices so their stories would be heard and their stories would inspire people beyond people. Muniba's life had inspired many of us including me and would go on to inspire many others in the better future. I have come to realize that when you accept yourself for who you are, the world would recognize you.

Aleena Anna Abraham
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