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Depletion of wild animals

Hema Varshini Bhaskar Thursday, December 15, 2022
Depletion of wild animals

We human beings misunderstood the meaning of ’’All Lives Matter”. Life is not only for human beings but also for several other creatures on earth. What do I mean by ‘other creatures’’? Animals, birds and insects are also creatures; they also have equal rights like us to live in this planet but what leads to such cruelty faced by the animals?

Poachers ruthlessly harm animals for their fur, skin, meat, dairy products etc. This abuse is consequential and sometimes it leads to difficult recovery for the animals which are extinct.

Animals such as dolphins are compelled to perform activities like jumping through the hoop, balancing a ball etc., in amusement park. Wild animals like elephant, lion and tiger are also trained to perform games in the circus. We should understand one thing from such activities that these all might seem entertaining for us but not for these animals.

In day-to-day life, we are using buffalo for farm works and bullock carts. In modern scientific world, abusing animals can be wiped out by applying advanced technology. Nowadays, there is an increase in the number of injured dogs in the street. For no reason we find people throwing stones and sticks on animals which leads to harming them.

Nowadays Indian elephants are facing extinction because of the transferring of eco lands to urban areas. They are left with less place to live. According to surveys, the rhinoceros species are also extinct because of the tenacity poaching and habitat loss. Black, javan and Sumatra, the families of rhinos are deeply endangered.

Extinct and endangered animals count is increasing day by day because of many factors. But we can reduce it accountably by our little steps. It is fine if we do not provide them anything but we should never harm them in any form.

When they are gone, when every last life has been stolen, how will we remember them? Once an animal extinct completely, it can never be brought back. It is impossible to bring back the life of the extinct animals after they disappear from this planet. This is the right time to protect these creatures.

Hema Varshini Bhaskar
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