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A Fresh New Beginning-2024

Hema Varshini Bhaskar Tuesday, January 2, 2024
A Fresh New Beginning-2024

New year, new hope! There we go; we have successfully completed another page of our story. And we are stepping into the New Year. Some might wonder...what's so special about changing the last digit of the century? Every beginning can become fruitful depending upon how we use it. Can we reform our life in a new way through this opportunity of new year? The answer is absolutely yes!

Making important plans is also vital for a pleasant start. My plans are to improve my skills, try to fill in my bucket lists etc. People say "Every new day is a fresh beginning", each passing day we try to become better than the previous day. The same way this New Year, we can utilize the best out of ourselves and change our life the way we want through this beginning. We can also promise ourselves to stay disciplined and stay away from all the negative vibes and unleash our inner potential through a positive atmosphere.

While talking about plans and new year, I want to share something about the modern new year resolutions. We note down all unrealistic resolutions on December 31 and we just don't even care about it the next day. Keeping up with the new year resolutions are impossible for many of us. One such year was 2021 when I noted down one of my new year resolutions- 'Avoid junk food and eat only healthy food' but the next day I ended up eating at a fast food restaurant. Anyways jokes apart, we come to a conclusion that maintaining our New Year resolutions is a hard job. So does that mean we should give up on that then ? Not at all, new year resolutions help us in many ways by helping us set our short and long term goals and desires and motivate us to complete tasks. It is important to set realistic and doable goals.

Let me share some realistic new year resolution ideas that you can try to follow to make this year brighter .

1. Read books for at least 30 minutes a day.

2. Spend time for your hobby everyday.

3. Learn a new activity.

4. Spend time with your family and friends.

5. Stay engaged in outdoor activities.

6. Limit your screen time.

7. Have at least 8 hours every day.

8. Include fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.

9. Love yourself

10. Always keep a smile on your face.

This year might have had its own ups and downs but all these ‘not so good times’ provided us with a lesson that we can implement this upcoming year. This is the right time to pat ourselves for all the good things we did this year 2023 .

So with humble gratefulness, let us bid goodbye to 2023 and welcome 2024.

I wish you all a very peaceful new year ahead!

Hema Varshini Bhaskar
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