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ICSK Amman welcomes Lower Kindergarten Students

Sunday, April 14, 2024
ICSK Amman welcomes Lower Kindergarten Students

ICSK Amman, renowned for its commitment to holistic education, organized a heart-warming welcome and an orientation session for parents on April 4, 2024, to welcome its newest members - the LKG students and their parents. The event, held on a Thursday, saw enthusiastic participation from parents, creating an atmosphere of warmth and inclusivity.

As the tiny tots of UKG classes welcomed their juniors and parents with balloons and welcome boards, the school's leadership, Principal Mr. Rajesh Nair and Vice Principal Dr. Mary Isaac, extended their heartfelt welcome at the entrance, symbolizing the expansion of the ICSK family.

The program commenced with Islamic prayer and a lamp lighting ceremony, setting a spiritual and auspicious tone. Dr. Mary Isaac, in her welcome address, emphasized the importance of parental involvement in children's development, urging fathers to actively participate in their child's progress. Principal Mr. Rajesh Nair followed with an inspiring address, underscoring the school's ethos and vision.

A skit on kindness, performed by UKG children, captivated the audience, highlighting the values cherished at ICSK Amman. Dr. Jeyadevi Ramachandran, KG supervisor, congratulated the parents on becoming part of the ICSK family, elucidating the school's rules and policies.

The emotional journey continued with glimpses of the previous year's achievements, evoking tears and goose bumps among the audience. The introduction of class teachers and co-teachers for the academic year 2024-2025 reinforced the school's commitment to nurturing relationships.

A mesmerizing dance performance by UKG students stole the show, showcasing their talent and synchronization, much to the delight of the spectators. Mrs. Vani Alfred, LKG coordinator, expressed gratitude in the vote of thanks, acknowledging the parents' trust and the collective effort of the school community in orchestrating the successful event.

Parents were then guided to their child's new classrooms to collect books and ID badges, marking the beginning of an exciting journey for the new entrants. Overall, the orientation session stood as a remarkable milestone, epitomizing the ethos of ICSK Amman and setting the stage for a fulfilling academic year ahead. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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