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A memorable journey

Marushka Fernandes, IIK Young Reporter Tuesday, May 16, 2017
A memorable journey

The journey of life is not meant to be feared and planned; it is meant to be travelled and enjoyed.

Life is a drama and we are actors. As we always see in movies, the characters have an interesting and unforgettable adventure to spice up and electrify their lives which in turn gives an overwhelming twist in the complete story. Congruent to that we too ordinary people have experiences in our lives which could completely influence the way that we think as well as our current self-esteem and egoistic behavior or sometimes our experiences even change us for the greater good.

I too had an exhilarating experience full of excitement, fun and joy. An experience which I can assure you I will never forget. During the last summer vacation, my family and a few other close childhood friends had travelled with us to the City of Light commonly referred to as Paris. You might all know that Paris is a stunning beautiful place itself and what makes it better is the fun and joyous theme parks located there. If you’re thinking about it then your right, it is the majestic and grand Disneyland Paris.

People think that its only about the park and about the rides built there that makes the place an amusing destination, but no it is also about the experience upcoming along with the gratification you are about to undergo which lifts Disneyland up to lime light, fame and fortune. Believe me I have gone through it myself, the quality time you can spend with your family and friends which you can barely experience occasionally because of the congested work the modern generation showers on us.

But things got a whole lot better as the rides were so mind boggling. They looked and were so frightening and scary that your heart goes into your mouth each time. The rides had spectacular 360 degree loops as well as extreme twists and turns. Not to mention the amazing spirit lifting graphics on the rides as well as the entrance and this made this a breathtaking trip. My friends, sibling and I also went on kiddy rides just to slap the humor into us and to brighten up our day. There were also many shops outside which held the most exclusive things and very rare products that you can seldom find.

Let’s take one of the rides for example. There is one particular ride commonly called ‘The Tower of Terror’. That might not sound frightening when you hear this name but believe me it was terrifying. At first a small story was shown. All of the people were made to sit in some chairs strapped with tight seat belts. Then suddenly after the display the entire area filled with chairs rose up higher and higher and suddenly went into a free fall. My entire body rose up as we went free fall and it felt as though all of my organs shifted from one place to another. But in the end the fear created converted to laughter and an enthusiastic feeling of more adventure.

You might think that that was it. But there was some more adventure waiting for us. During the evening time a tremendously huge fireworks show took place with dancing waters, breathtaking animations and beautiful synchronized bright flames. In the end the trip to the world’s famous Disneyland was a grand success which led a doorway to an exhilarating spirit inside of us.

Marushka Fernandes
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