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Diwali – The Festival of Lights

Nanditha N G, 11th Grade , Indian Community School (ICSK) Monday, October 24, 2016
Diwali – The Festival of Lights

After nine months of hot summers and scanty rain, Diwali is finally here to rob us of our solemnness and invigorate our festive spirits with cheer and joy.

Falling on the thirtieth day of October this year, it is a massively appreciable fact that the annual dates of Diwali which differ each year are still decided by the traditional Hindu Lunar Calendar. Diwali celebrated on the New Moon day of the month Kartika is known to be an exceptionally dark night. This in itself makes the lights, characteristic to the festival, stand out across porches of houses and decorated lawns, a most beautiful sight.

The very essence of Diwali lies in the art of sharing and giving. Mornings become a mixture of anticipation and awe, the normalcy of day to day lives are left behind and traditional attire, new and old adorned, delectable sweets are made and gifts are exchanged amongst friends and family. Even crackers, a most controversial subject for the longest time, are a most common addition to the festival. Most people find Diwali incomplete without it, an irreplaceable entity directly fuelling in excitement and eagerness.

Despite being a Hindu festival built upon Hindu morals and stories, Diwali has always been of national interest and a time to leave differences behind. A grand event, filtered by prayers and songs, dances and lights, happiness and cheer.

Indeed, Diwali is a marvellous sight, where one can find tradition and heritage looming above everything else, a time when an entire nation comes together, regardless of individual religion or demand and watches the sky change colours as one. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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