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Don’t Panic, Its just A Pandemic

Muhammed Rayhaan, IIK Young Contributor Saturday, May 9, 2020
Don’t Panic, Its just A Pandemic

The World is blessed with an immense quality, which we may not really like. A quality of over activity, hyper and tough to control. For years, human spent time trying to control the Earth with inventions, which gradually wore and tore it. But in the other hand, today, we regret the damage of the Earth

It might just be too late to decide to mend our ways. The Earth has been calm all these years, trying to sustain all our actions, but there is a saying ‘A lion can only be controlled in a cage’. Similarly, as soon as we crossed the line, the Earth decided to join the Party!

The Earth brough out its true colours which we witness today as our Novel Coronavirus or Covid – 19 as its disease is called. We have houses, wealth, and some much in material, but we stood like trees in front of it. There is an important lesson we draw from this. ‘No matter how much you have with you, you can’t endure the power of almighty.’

But keeping things aside, we can see when we were put to roast. In a condition like this, power was overturned. Influential, Powerful people couldn’t do anything to stop it. Donald Trump, in some areas considered the most powerful man in the world, he and his nation are tasting a meal of their life.

But to satisfy the optimistic minds, we look it at a different angle. After observation. Many scientists conclude that when a bad situation that’s keeps growing negatively, slowly decreases the morale or self esteem of an ordinary human, and implants the fear, of getting affected in this context.

This small yet powerful character called Self Esteem is something that’s constantly gets affected today, and this is the main theme I want to emphasize on today.

Starting by quoting Dustin Hoffman who voiced Master Shifu in Kung-Fu panda 3. “I am not trying to turn you into me, I am trying to turn you into you.” in your first perception, you may think this quote makes no sense. Turn me into me. Think it out. Just like Ryan Potter voicing Hiro Hamada in the film ‘Big Hero #6’ would say “look it in a different angle” is how you are supposed to see this exquisite quote.

Many anecdotes help us understand this. Like, the story of Colonel Sanders, The Founder of a giant Fast Food Chain, KFC. In Brief, Colonel sanders struggled from the age of 4 when he lost his dad and had to take care of the rest of his family. At the age of 40, he bought some chicken which he fried and tried to sell them. Then he went knocking the door of every house advertising his chicken. Any guesses how many times a NO was thrown to him? A 1009 times and in the 1010 try he got an affirmative reply which led him to the foundation of the 4 largest fast food chain, KFC. If he had given up in the first, fifth or tenth try then imagine. He didn’t give up though he was rejected again and again.

Well if you want to achieve something in life, there are some qualities that you may or may not have inbuilt in you and one of the most important things is belief in oneself. You have to inspire yourself to take a step into a daring challenge to boost you towards success. Inspiring yourself can get slightly difficult for us but is not impossible. And how can you inspire yourself?

Well from your history. Your mistakes are what you are need to percept. Take a look back and gather what made you fall. Build them again to take you to the top.

Thomas Alva Edison, the scientist who had invented the bulb had quoted “I have not failed. I have just found 1000 things that do not work”

The qualities that you possess in such manners must be shown for you to climb the ladder of success. “Low self-belief is like driving through life with your hand brake on.” said Maxwell Maltz.

This draws the conclusion to my article, talking about the condition today, A request is to stay home, try not to touch your face, don’t go out unnecessarily, and wash hands regularly. We pray to get out of this at the earliest

Stay Safe and Stay Healthy Everybody!

Muhammed Rayhaan
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