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Examphobia : The Fear of Exams, It’s Real

Reyna Mary John, IIK Young reporter Sunday, March 10, 2019
Examphobia : The Fear of Exams, It’s Real

”The human brain is amazing. It functions for 24 hours a day from the time we were born, and only stops when we take an exam.”

Exams are only a few weeks away and we are all sick. The doctor has come and diagnosed us with guessed it, EXAM FEVER. The deadliest of all viral infections, that passes from child to mother to father during the ever so familiar months of February and March. Sometimes even the teachers catch it. Why? Because they have got around forty to fifty students to worry about, while our parents have only got us. Exams are some of the most stressful periods of a student’s life. Exams are crucial and if you are not ready for it weeks beforehand you flunk, the nightmare of every student. After all as Hermione puts it “it could be the one mistake that makes the difference between a pass and a fail.” Course we are all at the verge of ripping the hair off our heads out of pure anxiety while poring over enormously thick volumes knowing that forgetting that definition of newton’s 1st law will cost you. Or flipping through hundreds of hundreds of notes absolutely knowing that you DID scribble down that calculus derivative somewhere!!!!!!!! Sigh…. You get the picture. This is something that I have observed in my fellow classmates. Therefore I have tried to find an elixir for this which isn’t very hard to follow. And I am pretty sure that most of you are here on the net for the sake of finding some way to relieve yourself of this nightmare. So…… somehow by chance you happen it stumble upon THIS particular article and I promise that I will tell you exactly how to cure yourself of the fever in a week. (Or more depends on the type of patient)

So of course the basic necessity: - A time table helps

The basic need when you need a systematic study plan. But of course there is that one rule and that is you must never exceed the limit of 45 minutes per subject. I know that there is that is that one subject that you really enjoy or that one which you really, really want to skip…but for your own safety don’t. if you feel that you are extremely do not want to study keep around 15 minutes to do whatever you want as a reward, like reading a book or just maybe just go creeping into the kitchen and have a large slice of that delicious chocolate cake ….mmm delicious. Or…. if that chocolate cake is NOT there, then just go to your room and sulk in bed, no one’s going to judge.

Notes are lifesavers

Researchers found that if important information was contained in notes, it had a 34 percent chance of being remembered. Information not found in notes had only a five percent chance of being remembered. And anyway don’t start thinking that note- taking is old school. It has been revolutionized, notes are literally our textbook in a much easier to understand language our own. And anyway it is often very hard to remember that particular information that your teachers have told you, plus it stops you from dozing off in class.

Healthy food nourishes

That’s right I am going to lecture about this too. When you’re studying for finals, good nutrition often slides way down on the priority list. It’s easy to get into the habit of glugging coffee and gobbling take-out pizza, because you don’t want to waste time on food preparation. But, actually, good nutrition should be part of your study plan because it’s going to help you ace those tests. The better the fuel your brain gets, the better you’ll study. It’s a…well…no-brainer. Eat loads of fruits and veggies especially fresh fruit like apples and blueberries. Have yogurt with nuts like cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios and almonds. Eat eggs and fish that are rich in fatty omega-3 acids. Pills and supplements are just not going to make the cut. So stock up.

Chocolate stimulates

Look… I know I just said that you have to eat healthy but, Hear. Me. Out. It’s rich in fiber, iron and magnesium, which all help the brain receive blood flow. The flavonols in dark chocolate increase blood flow, and the function of the heart, which can improve memory. It also contains the stimulants caffeine and theobromine. It’s better than coffee! BUT that does not mean that you are totally going to ignore the before point and stuff your face with this magical sweet, once a week and just before the exam is good enough.

H2O eases

Drink your 8 glasses of water. Students who drink water before an exam are likely to have less test-anxiety. The action of drinking water briefly distracts the student and can alleviate stress and anxiety which can positively affect exam scores.

Sleep sustains

Seriously don’t try and perform some impressive feat and stay up all night studying, it is of no use. If you’ve ever pulled an all-nighter before a big exam or presentation, you're probably familiar with that frustrating feeling of brain fog, of trying to remember a detail that’s just out of reach. It turns out you probably should've followed that age-old advice to sleep on it. Make it a practice to get a good night’s rest after any intense day of learning and studying, as that will help your brain to retain as much information as possible. If you find any difficulty sleeping (like me?) then I find that a cup of hot milk with honey is advisable.

I remember some of my most disastrous grades when I either hardly study or I have studied too much thus causing myself mentally unprepared for an exam. I used to fail miserably when I failed to take care of myself. But soon I realized that it WASN’T because I was horrible in that particular subject but it was because I was too stressed. All the points I have collected here are tips given to me by those who were genuinely concerned for me and wanted to help me improve.

I hope all of this is of some help to you during this particularly stressful time of year and good luck for your exams and remember don’t stress, do your best and forget the rest?.i can guarantee that this works because I have suggested this and there have been positive remarks all around. But remember your marks are nothing but a small part of your life, your marks in one exam doesn’t count if you are determined to reach your goal. In the case of a certain person who failed in some exams but his friend passed in all the exams, the friend became an engineer at Microsoft but the person who failed became the owner of Microsoft.( prescription from physician not required)

Reyna Mary John
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