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Flavors of India… The Indian Night at Safir Fintas Kuwait is back

Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Flavors of India… The Indian Night at Safir Fintas Kuwait is back

Flavors of India… The Indian Night in Safir Fintas Kuwait Hotel is back with rich varieties. The Indian Night has been launched in presence of the press and media family.

The Indian buffet with live cooking & music every Thursday night will take you on a journey to the enchanting India to enjoy along with your family members and friends. The buffet of Indian dishes and live cooking station at Flavors restaurant is available every Thursday from 7 pm to 11 pm.

Culinary chefs have prepared authentic and traditional Indian dishes, as well as rich varieties that satisfy all tastes of appetizers. Main dishes and exquisite desserts are to make the evening a memorable one as Indian cuisine is basically influenced by many other countries. It is known for its large assortment of dishes and its liberal use of herbs and spices.

From the buffet “Chicken Chettinad” is a classic Indian recipe, from the cuisine of Chettinad. It consists of chicken marinated in yogurt, turmeric and a paste of red chilies, kalpasi, coconut, poppy seeds, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, fennel seeds, black pepper, ground nuts, onions, garlic and gingelly oil.

“Bhuna Gosht” is a traditional Indian recipe of a delicious classic lamb curry made with lamb, spices, fresh fenugreek leaves (methi leaves) and bell pepper. Bhuna Gosht means pan fried lamb curry. What makes this curry special is the bhuna part as this consists of pan frying the meat with spices without adding water.

“Mysore Pak” is an Indian sweet prepared in ghee that is popular in Southern India. It originated in Mysore in the Indian state of Karnataka. It is made of generous amounts of ghee, sugar, gram flour, and often cardamom. Part of signature dessert is a homemade traditional Indian ice dream “Indian Kulfi”. In addition to other Indian dishes infused by traditional herbs as part of culinary chefs’ creativity.

The live station will present “Panipuri” which is a type of snack from UP/Bihar region of the Indian subcontinent. It consists of a round, hollow puri, deep-fried crisp crepe and filled with a mixture of flavored water, tamarind chutney, chili, chaat masala, potato, onion or chickpeas.

The warm atmosphere upon the arrival will give you the ultimate experience along with the interior of the restaurant that reflects the culture of India while easing your mind and releasing your senses with the music played.

For a price of 11.900 KD per net per person, the Flavors of India at Safir Fintas Hotel is a great choice for a fine dining with your special friend. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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