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Ground Water The Lifeline of A Nation

Marushka Fernandes, IIK Young Reporter Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Ground Water The Lifeline of A Nation

‘’We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.’’ By Thomas Fuller

Have you ever stopped time and thought for a moment, why are you alive now, why are you respiring, running, laughing or even playing? The answer should be at the tip of our tongues, yet it is not, as, there never was a day when we questioned our existence.

The reason why we are still alive is simple and fundamental. It is because of water. From the time we are small, we consume water to nourish and strengthen ourselves especially during play time or when we have come home from a tiring day of school.

In the modern century, we humans have become ungrateful of this very gift we have received from mother nature and we are starting to misuse it in every way we can. We are starting to waste it not at all thinking of how precious it is and how it would be very challenging to survive without water in our lives.

I can guarantee you that everyone can give a speech, everyone can tell others how precious water is and how it is irreplaceable in our lives, but do we really practice what we preach? Do we really understand the implications of our action? Actions speak louder than words. Do we really want to see our grandchildren or even our children suffer because of what we are doing to the world, or do we want to see them healthy and safe from any diseases? Well, it’s time we do something and to save the planet we are living in and we simply need to start now.

We humans, mostly use water for drinking purpose, but did you know that twenty five percent of global freshwater is estimated to be stored as groundwater and seventy percent of the water that we drink is in the form of groundwater. Now we might just think that groundwater is something that is not important, something that can easily be replaced by ice caps or rivers or any other form of water. But groundwater does more than you would expect it would do, it would have just like us humans special abilities that we may have not known, that is why it is as priceless as gold or even a handful of precious, glossy diamonds.

Do you know where does groundwater comes from? Believe me it isn’t any magic trick performed by a trained, professional magician. When water evaporates from seas and even oceans it condenses and then forms water droplets. Due to precipitation, some of the water reaches the soil and it infiltrates through it. It passes through many layers right through the small cracks and openings until it reaches a water-repellent layer where it cannot travel further beyond. But then you might be wondering why is it so important. It is because when the water passes through the different layers of the soil it gets filtered and purified. And it is not just some facile process but it is one that takes many years to undergo and reach the final layer. That is why it is most preferred for its purity.

But you still might be thinking that groundwater is nothing as compared to the water in rivers as river water supports fish and other aquatic animals. But did you know that groundwater also supplies a habitat to aquatic animals. They support rare species that are very hard to find and are valued amongst the others, species whose enzymes could help cure incurable diseases which could help to save mankind from faster, quicker death.

What are the real advantages of underground water? It is used for agriculture to increase the fertility of the soil thus making the crops more healthier and easier to grow. From agriculture, we get crops and not just one, but many kinds of them. We eat these every day and they satisfy the deep hunger we humans have. If these crops are watered with the help of groundwater, they can grow better and become healthier for us to consume.

Industries also make use of this groundwater more than any other water that can be found in nature. They use it for the manufacture of various products and they use it in great amounts. Industries and mostly the reasons for which ground water gets depleted and it makes it riskier for us to survive.

People also take in and consume this water. Municipalities and rural homeowners make use of this water for their daily needs such as drinking, bathing and even cooking. This groundwater has made it easier for these rural villages to survive and because of it there are less complaints and problems of people not getting any water to drink or suffer from malnutrition due to the lack of water.

Now since we already know why groundwater is a major lifesaver do we know that it is degrading and that soon people won’t have any groundwater left. Peoples continual need for groundwater and how it takes years to replenish again makes it almost impossible for it to be long lived. That is why the prices on groundwater have shot up quite a bit and it has become something mostly poor people can’t afford. Now groundwater has become greatly valued among people. But even though it is being given value to, people still don’t bother to save or to even conserve it. That is why people have now started to suffer and die and this just supports the statement that the third world war will be fought on water.

Have you ever wondered what would happen if the groundwater on our earth depleted? In my opinion decrease in groundwater could lead to a chain of disasters.

First of all, there would be a serious climate change. The climate will become increasingly hot which would then evaporate the water in seas and oceans and thus gradually decreases the seepage of water into the soil.

Secondly, there would be a predicted rise in the sea level which would lead to the increase of saltwater. The saltwater then would have a greater chance of seeping into the soil as it is and it could then result in the formation of salty groundwater. Then groundwater would become of less use of therefore the suffering faced by the people will increase day by day.

Groundwater is used in great amounts by industries and by farmers for agriculture. This leads to the contamination of the groundwater which gradually decrease the higher percent of its use in our daily lives. People will also become unaware that they are drinking contaminated water and this could lead to several waters borne diseases such as Shigellosis, Cholera, Hepatitis A, Leptospirosis, Typhoid Fever, Malaria and Dengue fever which is all eventually fatal for human beings as well as other life forms depending on groundwater.

Now since we know why groundwater is incomparable in our lives then why don’t we help to conserve it. But it should all start with us. We can start rallies, organize strikes and protests to give more value to groundwater. Small things can change the world.

I conclude by saying that we have been given a gift, a gift like no other and are we still willing to give it up. We should consider this as our moral responsibility and as our duty and should be dedicated to our work to the complete extent. After all, ‘’All roads that lead to success have to go through Hard work Boulevard at some point.’’
Marushka Fernandes
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