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Guru: The light of the past, present and future

Gauri Vinod, IIK Young Contributor Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Guru: The light of the past, present and future

Let me start with a few dialogues which might give you a hint on what this article is about. You’ll get it once you read the title…, but anyways let’s go with the flow.

‘‘ this a class or a FISHMARKET?’’

‘‘If you’re not interested, you may leave the class.’’

‘‘Are you here to waste your parents money?’’

‘‘Do you think teachers are FOOLS? DO YOU?’’

‘‘AM I talking to the wall?’’

‘’Worst class ever.’’

‘’Good work dear. Keep it up!’’

‘’Everybody remain silent, the principal is taking her rounds’’

‘‘Where’s your homework? Come on speak up! (Students starts to speak). SHUT UP…Don’t want to hear your excuses.’’

I’m sure all of us by now know where this dialogues have been originated from. More specifically, the discoverers of the above statements. Yes it is none other than the TEACHERS. And there is, as you all know a day to celebrate and appreciate their hard work, their voice for us (I mean all kinds of voice….I think you get it), and their effort to mould us into what we are and what we’ll be.

September 5 is distinguished as Teachers’ Day. This day is the birth anniversary of India’s late president Dr. S Radhakrishnan. If you’ve asked me previously that why is his birthday celebrated as teachers’ day, my answer would be ‘I don’t know’. Even I wondered a lot that why would anyone want their birthday to be celebrated with something related to the teachers. So like we all do, I approached Mr. Google and got the retort. Dr. Radhakrishnan despite of all his achievements and contributions remained a teacher throughout his life. He believed that ‘TEACHERS SHOULD BE THE BEST MINDS IN THE COUNTRY.’ To commemorate their effort he declared 5th of September as Teachers’ Day.

Honestly speaking, I had vexation towards some of my teachers and god knows, I might even have it in the future. But I have never hated any of them. And I don’t think any of us can abhor a TERRIFIC teacher (terrific hear have both meaning…terror and outstanding). Consider a class where the teacher just goes on teaching and does not even interact - THAT’S BORING. Now take another class where the students go on blabbering and the teacher does not even care - THAT’S ALRIGHT but after 15 min all will start talking on how dull the teacher is as she does not even shout. Another class is where the teacher is the Hitler and the students are the Jews. What I meant is the tutor is so strict that one sound will make him go mad - THAT’S DANGEROUS cause seeing him yell and linking him with Hitler makes us…laugh. So…from the above instances I think teachers ought to be terrific in both the ways.

The first teacher in our lives is our Mother. And from there our father introduces us to the world. This is what Indian culture tells ‘Mata, Pita, Guru, Daivam.’

I started with standing and sleeping lines and now I can write all sorts of words and equations. This credit goes to my LKG teacher Mrs. Bertha Ma’am who gave me the strength to hold a pencil.

My first step on stage was when Mrs. Marinna ma’am made me participate for a dance. I don’t remember the steps but still have the memories.

I have to thank Santosh ma’am, Hema ma’am, Tiwari ma’am and all my Hindi teachers who taught me my Rashtra Bhasha.

I’ve heard this dialogue in a Malayalam movie i.e. ‘Women and Math has an enmity towards each other since the world began.’ I don’t know if it is true but at one point it was in my case. But thanks to Rekha ma’am, Mino ma’am, Pooja ma’am and especially Mini ma’am who helped me to come into a compromise with math. But still I have not reformed the history, just slightly changed it. We are friends now but not besties. I am still in the process of extending our friendship.

History became one of the most interesting class when Rupinder Ma’am taught me in 7th. The way she spoke and explained about everything gave us a sensation that she was among one of them who witnessed the past…it was that lively.

Another teacher who supported me unboundedly is Bindhu ma’am and Varsha ma’am, my science teachers. And that’s one of the reasons I like science. Varsha ma’am was the one who introduced me to IIK and cheered me to send the articles that I write. And here you are reading my article.

Krubha ma’am is worth mentioning about. She was my class teacher of 9th and it was one of the best year. Not that she was very interactive. She always used to complain about this and that and we were tired of listening. But she gave us the choice to take decisions by ourselves. When I reached 10th the pressure was high and so was most of my teachers’. That is when I missed Krubha ma’am’s complaints, she giving us impositions, all of us decorating the class together for Christmas etc…etc.

My 10th class teacher Mrs. Thresiamma ma’am was very god fearing and because of her prayer and dedication, we all passed 10th with flying colours.

Neena ma’am was the one who got me attracted towards English. And it is not a simple lure. To understand it you must at least attend one of her classes. By God’s grace, currently she is my class teacher. And god knows whose evil eyes had got on me that when ma’am became my class teacher, online classes started…which means I can’t attend her class as I wanted. Bad luck.

All my Arabic Sirs’ did take a lot of effort in teaching us the language but still I don’t know Arabic… bad.

A great thanks to the most active principal I’ve known, Dr. Shanta Maria James for providing us with such a great learning facility.

I have a lot more teachers to mention about but it is quite not possible to illuminate on everyone. I really thank all my teacher (home, in school, in tuitions) for suffering me all these years. I hope that I was not a big pain as I did mention. And best of luck to all the teachers to whose hands we are yet to come. Can’t give a promise but we’ll do our best to keep you pleased. Teacher is one of the most respected post and it ought to be respected no matter how high we reach in the coming.

Wishing all the teachers a Happy Teachers’ Day!!!

Gauri Vinod Nair
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