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Health is wealth

Hritika.N.K, IIK Young Contributor Thursday, May 21, 2020
Health is wealth

It is a very old maxim that "Health is Wealth".

Health is the greatest gift and the most important wealth in one’s life . It is just like money , we never have a true idea of its value until we lose it .

According to World Health Organization , health is a state of physical , mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of any disease or infirmity .

We should keep our body healthy because a healthy mind resides only in a healthy body . Maintaining good health of both mind and body helps one to be successful in life . All of us must strive to achieve wholesome health .

Avoiding unhealthy eating practice , doing regular exercises , having balanced diet , proper sleep are some of the important things that constitute a healthy lifestyle . Being fit allows us to perform our activities without being lethargic or tired .

A healthy and fit person is capable of living the life to the fullest . Being healthy is not only related to the physical wellbeing of a person , it also involves the mental stability or the internal peace of a person .

A healthy person can work with efficiency to earn wealth. The man who is not having a good health spends lot of money on medicines and doctors. He is never cheer¬ful. Which in itself is a wealth? But we have to take precautions for building up a good health. Healthy body is always dependent on the healthy mind. For maintaining good health we should always be away from the bad habits like smoking, drinking and drug addiction. We should have morning walk regularly, light exercise in fresh air and a stroll after dinner. We should always take balanced and nutritious diet. One should always develop the habits of cleanliness to keep healthy.

Now-a-days because of COVID -19 many people are staying at home . I believe this is the perfect and the best time to improve our physical and mental state . Children do not have to go to schools , adults do not have to go to their workplace . Parents can spend time working out with their children . They can follow a healthy diet plan .

Generally , a healthy diet consists of eating green and fresh vegetables , fruits , having milk , eggs , minerals , proteins and vitamins essential for human body . Practicing yoga or regular aerobic exercises in our daily routine also help you in maintaining you desired fitness, blood , sugar and immunity level . Doing household chores is also one of the ways of doing exercise .

Healthy habits improve our physical appearance , mental stability , ability to perform activities in a better way , which help us lead a stress –free lifestyle , maintaining happy moods , high energy , levels , etc. . No single day should be skipped for making efforts of maintaining physical and mental strength and health , so happiness can be considered as the result as well as the part of a healthy and fit lifestyle .

Take care of your body because no one except your body will be with you for the rest of your life .

Hritika N Kademani
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