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Hope is a waking dream.

Hema Varshini Bhaskar Sunday, September 20, 2020
Hope is a waking dream.

What is hope?

Of course everybody knows what hope is. However, I am here to give you a deeper insight about the topic hope. Hope is a feeling which gives us the confidence to achieve goals in the path of your life, but do we have hope in right times. To say in short words. Hope helps us to do different things, which we are still scared to do at present. How do you react when you get a window of opportunity?

Of course we will be very happy to hear that, right! However, what if you had no hope to participate. I will cherish the moment when I realized how hope could transform a person.

It was quite a peaceful day while the birds were chirping in a melodious tune. I had a quick bath. I had my lunch and I was doing my homework with the help of my elder brother. I was about to finish my homework. My mom yelled,” See how messy is your room looks .Go and clean it up’’. I ran towards my room and started cleaning up my room I was not at all interested to tide up my room but I had to do it. My fluffy teddy toy was vibrating , while I checked beside it was my phone vibrating ,surprisingly it was my friend Andrea’s number I was very happy to have a conversation . I attended the call, Andrea yelled “why didn’t you attend the call, she had called me five times. I am sure you seem to know why I didn’t attend the call. Yea, your thoughts were right because I was busy doing my homework and the phone was in the silent mode. I was not able to attend the call. I asked her a sorry because of the delay for attending the call. Before I do finish my words she exclaimed that ‘’She had a call from her violin class, that she has some opportunity to spend her precious time at Friday. That she got a chance to play Violin with the world famous Violinist I was very happy to listen that. She told there are totally five participating, including Andrea .I appreciated her enthuciasticness towards her passion. I was really eagerly waiting for her performance , which will be live on the television on that day , I was heading to the dining hall for dinner .Andrea called me and told me crying in a low pitch and sore voice that she had a practice session yesterday playing Violin. She said, the way she plays the violin was not satisfied for her, she thought that everybody would laugh at the way she plays the Violin, she was totally hopeless. I shouted at her that why you have changed the decision suddenly, but yesterday Andrea was very much interested but she ended up messaging me that she is not participating. Friday today I was watching the live show and the surprising thing was all participants got Rs. 1,000 just for their participation. I went to Andrea’s house because her parents told that she had been crying because of the great lose. I advised her not to feel disappointed and not to give up hope the next time

So, this experience must have totally reshaped your thoughts on having hope at right times.

So if you get an opportunity, try to give the best you can. Anything can happen in life .Have hope in your work.

Stay home and take care of your loved ones.

Thank you,

Hema Varshini Bhaskar
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