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ISEET- a chance to get into top Engineering colleges

Vivek unnikrishnan Wednesday, March 7, 2012
ISEET- a chance to get into top Engineering colleges

As we all are aware, the coming of the joint entrance examination has created a huge buzz over the news. The ISEET, or the Indian Science Engineering Eligibility Test, is the new scheme that is going to come into effect at March 2013. What is the new entrance test? How does this benefit the NRI students? Does it improve our chances for getting into prestigious colleges, like IIT?

Indian Science Engineering Eligibility Test is the new joint test that is a combination of AIEEE and IIT-JEE. No more is the different test for getting into NITs and IITs. the best thing about the new system is the increased weightage for board exam marks. Around 40% of the weightage comes from the board exams. This is actually a good, since students will now give equal importance to both the school boards as well as the entrance studies. There is a general trend that those students who spend more time for their entrance coaching eventually gets average marks in their CBSE as well as state boards. But with this change, they will have to give equal importance to both the boards as well as the entrance exams.

Another important stage is the addition of three new areas of test- Logical reasoning, critical thinking and comprehension, much like the SAT-I exams. This the area where students with deeper knowledge of English or Hindi can ace easily. NITs will focus more on this area for their selection. Other than this there is an MCQ test, similar to the one being conducted, but with lower difficulty level.

The reason why NRI students benefit is mainly because of the consideration of board exam scores as well as the knowledge of English, which can help them to ace the new areas added for testing. Indians students still have an upper hand, due to the large number of coaching centers and their increased exposure, but we children too now have a chance for achieving our dreams. If we can concentrate well on our academics and improve our English expertise, I am sure we can get a seat in an NIT, if not an IIT.

I hope, with these improvement, more and more NRI students can reach the college they have dreamed of, and the path towards their destiny become a lot more easier.

Vivek Unnikrishnan
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Express your comment on this article

Friday, March 9, 2012
has this been implemented................. wasnt it just a proposal which is still under discussion????

Debu Uncle
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Why not IIT? With the talent available in Kuwait coupled with sincere parenting and a humble way of life, this is the best place to take a shot at it. Remember, quite a few students have cracked IIT till last year.


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