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Impact of Technology on Children

Sona Subin , IIK Young Reporter Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Impact of Technology on Children

In today’s modern life the importance of tech. products cannot be avoided. As the world population increases, their needs also increases and for this we depend on new and innovative technology. Technology is a very important factor in our day to day life. It seems very important that in today’s modern world no one can live without it. It has helped in development of skills and discovery of various things.

Everything in this world, around us has both positive and negative aspects. Technology has a great number of positive aspects. It is very useful for educational and office purposes. We can search the web for any information. This helps in increasing our level of IQ. Video games are played by many of the children. This helps them to develop competition skills. The websites also provide a great number of educational apps which helps children in their studies for better understanding especially for visual learners. It helps in numerous ways but also has innumerable negative impacts.

Children use electronic gadgets for hours and become addicted. It affects their brain and also weakens their eyesight. They’ll also gain weight (obesity) due to lack of physical activity. It also affects their character. They misuse the technology and forget their moral values.

Technology is very useful and beneficial but we should use it wisely. We should not misuse it. If we use it wisely without misusing we can enjoy its benefits. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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