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Independence Day of India

Evan Sunil Abraham, IIK Young Contributor Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Independence Day of India

We Indians were ruled over by the British for over 200 years. Our forefathers suffered a lot and went through brutal oppression during this period. When we got independence on the 15th of August 1947, this day was etched with golden letters and went down in history. This day was the result of people who with their courage, bravery, and determination paved the way for us to be free from the British colonial rule. This day was the final fruit of their toil. We celebrate this day with pomp and colour. We pay our respects and show homage to all the brave people who spent their time for our country to break free from the bonds of repression and harassment from their British overlords. We Indians on this day unite ourselves as one and show the world our true might and power. The true celebrations take place at the Red Fort in Old Delhi. Many honourable dignitaries, heads of state and other important ambassadors attend this function. The Prime Minister of India hoists the national flag and gives a speech on the nation. This is one of the most important parts of this prestigious function. Many parades are held which shows the militaries support to our motherland. This is an awe-inspiring sight to see along with spectacular air shows done by the Indian air force. Military jets fly overhead and behind it trails the colours of our national flag. Celebrations are too held in our homes with our intimate friends as well as with our loved ones. Cultural events take place in many organisations. Schools too host many events for children to take part in. A pledge is also taken by all the students at school. Our national anthem, ‘Jana-Gana-Mana’ is sung everywhere there is an Independence Day celebration. We celebrate our Independence Day in a jovial way. But whatever we do, we mustn't forget the sacrifices our forefathers had to endure at the hands of the British. We must always be grateful to them and our freedom fighters, for this is the true spirit and essence of our Independence Day on the 15th of August every year!

Evan Sunil Abraham
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