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Kuwait Cricket held under 16 tournament for various schools and clubs in Kuwait.

Vijay Anant Monday, January 20, 2014
Kuwait Cricket held under 16 tournament for various schools and clubs in Kuwait.

Kuwait Cricket had launched the U-16 school cricket tournament at Gulf Consults ground at Jleeb Al-Shuwaikh where a record number of 12 teams took part. It gave us children an opportunity to show case our talents and team work. It was indeed a memorable event in which children from different countries came together to put up a great show and were given a rare chance to brush up our batting and balling skills.

The matches were conducted in two ground simultaneously in two batches .It started from 8 am to 11 am and then from 11 am to 2 pm. In a day totally four games were played. It was conducted every Saturday. The group stage matches will go on till January 4th 2013 and then it will be followed by the semi-finals and final.

This initiative of Kuwait Cricket was a major step in encouraging the kids to develop their skills, relax their mind and keep their body fit.

I being a member of the Gladiators team benefited a lot from this initiative of Kuwait cricket. I got a wonderful opportunity to learn from my co-players who belonged different teams and develop my skills further. I would also like to thank our coach, Mr.Ashok , who is a marvellous person, he coaches us without any expectations and supports us immensely. We are indeed very fortunate to have such a nice person as our coach and friend. He is very devoted to his responsibilities and motivates us a lot. A person like him is rare to find on this earth. He is a friend, philosopher and guide to us, the Gladiators team.

These matches also gave the young budding talents an opportunity to show case their talents in front of the coaches of different teams and also gave them a rare chance to be chosen for the Kuwait team based on their performance.

The effort of this Kuwait cricket is noteworthy as it is providing such great opportunities to kids in this foreign land. The final match will be held in end of January, 2014.

It was a memorable experience for us cricketers.

Disclaimer: Statements and opinions expressed in the article are those of the authors and written by them; the author is solely responsible for the content in this article. does not hold any responsibility for them.

Vijay Anant
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