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Litre Water a day keeps Sickness Away

Ramya Teja Sunday, October 13, 2013
Litre  Water a day keeps Sickness Away

Heath is wealth….. And “A Healthy mind in a healthy body” “ Health lost is something is lost” all these proverbs - shows Health as a vital thing?? Then what would be the cost of such valuable thing ??? Do we need to spend more??? How much?????

All you need to get this essential thing of life is to intake water at regular interval.. Do you believe?? but this is the truth. “Good Intake of Water,- Keeps Doctor Forever Away.

Elders, Doctors and many of our parents, every day keep telling us to drink water as it prevents onset of many problems. My grandmother use to say, people in those days were healthier due to their customs they follow in their food culture, and most important one is drinking adequate water. When I listened to her message, I felt that it could be useful to all my friends too. Thus the inspiration to write this article popped up..

Many of us know that Water is a natural resource. Water is utilized by plants and animals. The World water day is celebrated on 22nd March and the year 2003 was observed as the International year of Fresh water, to create awareness among the people towards the importance of water conservation. We learnt in our School books that without water life cannot exist. Hence, Water Management is essential to sustain this natural resource for the richness it adds to our life.

There was a get together party arranged in my grandpa’s house during onam festival when we had a discussion about the traditional and modern way of life , as our talks progressed We got into the health aspects of people and then many exchange of views took place regarding water intake. I have just highlighted the important points connected to health topics.

My Aunt held the view that the water does not contain minerals or nutrients, but My Grandpa, a farmer expresses that water contains taste which differs place to place may be it carries some nutrients from the place of origin, or due to plantations, or for the type of mineral salts present in the soil.

Yet, another view, I recollected from my science teacher that water is represented as two molecules of hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen. When I enquired my teacher about the various views she said water contains oxygen for sure. The Planktons, Pisces and other animals in the deep sea utilize the dissolved oxygen for their survival.

Water is needed for our body to make best utilization of oxygen availability in the air and in water to make you shrewd said my mom… smiling

The quantity of water requirement is not constant for all. Body water content differs as per the gender, age, temperature, perspiration etc. said my Uncle working in Pharmacy field..

MY Grandmother commented that people in colder areas feel less thirsty than people in hot areas..

It could be said that people in colder areas live longer than people in hot areas because of the air in colder region is easier to breath than the hot air.

Is it true…. What do you feel friends???? True or??? Mmm??. I leave you to check out…

Then, she described me the problems caused due to lack of water intake. I have listed few of her explanations..

1. Undigested food getting accumulated in the body. The food has to travel from mouth to the stomach this is done through secretions of saliva which is in the form of liquid.. So the water in the blood is utilized for various activities. Thus water intake if - is reduced the metabolic activities slows down gradually and when the body lacks water, one gets head ache and discomfort in stomach. In our body, the blood transports the nutrients to all the cells through the blood which needs water to get the flow smooth.

2. Insufficient supply of water weakens the liver function, and yellow urination is caused, with body getting heated up causing dry skin, hair loss, pimples on the face, giddiness, vomiting, mouth getting dried, and sometimes even gives bad breath.

3. If Oxygen supplied to the body through air is inefficient then body utilizes the oxygen present in the water to carry on the metabolic functions.. When water intake is less oxygen demand is more in the body - it initiates forgetfulness and makes him irritated...

4. On the long run, blood dries up due to lack of water, metabolic waste gets accumulated in the body creating obese.

5. There is no storage facility in the body to store water, hence, the body needs to get hydrated by intake of water. Dehydration creates weakness, indigestion, eyelids dry, itching of skin, lack of sweat, constipation, pimple problems and body odor. Body gets heated up because of atmosphere and no regulation of body temperature.

Intake of water helps to healthy growth of body allowing required body metabolism.

* Brain is kept active, with the help of sufficient oxygen received through water into our body cells – as oxygen is present in water. This eliminates all the diseases and discomforts at the primary stage itself .

* Consumption of food rich in water content also provides the same benefits

* Regular intake of water keeps the body organs to function well, avoids risk of losing health..

* As prevention is better than cure.. and water is better than an injection for sure…

Friends , This is an informative article only.. In summer we are forced to drink water at least when we move out of the house, but in winter, we don’t feel thirst and people get often sick because of lack of thirst and lack of water intake.. let us welcome warm winter to bring us health in days ahead with the awareness of the importance of water intake and chase the sickness away for ever…

To know more about water requirement try this site below..

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