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Positive Pandemic Paradigm

Ann Mariya Sabu Thursday, September 17, 2020
Positive Pandemic Paradigm

Hey reader! Yes you …. I know life is not the same anymore, lockdown and quarantine which initially used to be just terms in the dictionary has now taken wings of reality. Months of sitting at home, packed up with classes and all huh, I know it’s hectic. Gone are the days when we could walk outside with freedom with no masks and gloves, but as a Christian and a believer we should know everything under the sky happens for a reason. The recent floods in Bihar, Mumbai, the air cash that occurred in Karipur airport, the landslide in Idukki, the Beirut explosion and what not ….anxiety definitely is perturbing the walls of everyone’s mind right now.

I was struck with agony as to why God was taking the lives of our dear brethren, it’s then that I realized that: If I ask u which flower will you pick from a garden. The reply will be:

The most beautiful one…… let that sink in.

So as you have stayed up to read this much, I hope you will continue to do so and I bet u won’t regret.

Once in a physics class, the teacher asked the students, “Why do we have brakes in a car?

Varied answers were received. ”To stop”, “To reduce speed”,”To avoid collision” etc. But the best answer was, “To enable you to drive faster”. Give it a thought. For a moment assume you have no brakes in your car then how fast will you drive your car? It’s because of brakes that we can dare to accelerate, dare to go fast and reach destinations we desire. At various points in life, we find our parents, teachers, mentors & friends etc. questioning our progress, direction or decision. We consider them as irritants or consider such inquiries as “brakes” to our ongoing work. But, remember, it’s because of such questions (periodical brakes) that you have managed to reach where you are today. Without brakes, you could have skid, lost direction or met with an unfortunate accident, I am deeply and sincerely grateful to all my priceless BRAKES .Appreciate the “brakes” in your life. Without them we wouldn't be "where" we are today.

As the above mentioned, maybe this pandemic is a brake and mostly a “break” for all of us to take Time out from our frenetic space and introspect the various little things we have got to change in our lives.

Ohh I need to go, time for online classes, I hope I didn’t bore you did I? Bye!

Ann Mariya Sabu
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